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A Doggone Christmas (2016)

A Doggone Christmas (2016)

Jaret SacreyZachary CirinoDominique SwainJesse the Jack Russell Terrier
Jim Wynorski


A Doggone Christmas (2016) is a English movie. Jim Wynorski has directed this movie. Jaret Sacrey,Zachary Cirino,Dominique Swain,Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. A Doggone Christmas (2016) is considered one of the best Family movie in India and around the world.

When the CIA discovers a cute orphan puppy with amazing telepathic abilities, the powers-that-be in Washington immediately lock him down and plan on forcing the poor dog to become a covert secret weapon. But fate steps in and frees the pint-sized Jack Russel Terrier from government clutches - delivering the cute little fellow into the loving arms of two brothers just a week before Christmas. As one might expect, the pair of youngsters fall in love at first sight, and then are astounded to discover that their new found four-legged friend can actually communicate with them telepathically. But with their dad out of a job and bills mounting, it doesn't appear to be the best time to adopt anything -- especially a dog that 'talks.' And that's just the start of the boys' problems. Acting on orders from the highest authorities, the FBI has sent out teams of field agents in search of the innocent animal. Helicopters, drones and reconnaissance planes scour the country side - with orders to ...

A Doggone Christmas (2016) Reviews

  • Simple but fantastic family film


    My children love this film - simple but charming story.

  • It's Charming For What It Is


    A Doggone Christmas (2016) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Murphy is a Jack Russell Terrier who is on a train heading to a government center. You see, Murphy has a telepathic ability and the government wants to use that to their advantage. However the dog breaks free and lands up in a small town where he is befriended by a couple kids who want a pet but their father is currently out of work. With only days before Christmas the boys must try and help their new dog friend. A DOGGONE Christmas comes from director Jim Wynorski who is best known for several low-budget horror and sexploitation movies but like his mentor Roger Corman he has proved that he can work in a wide range of genres. I'm really not sure how many people expected to see a kid's movie from him but for the most part the film is a success as long as you don't go into it expecting IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. Obviously this movie's target audience isn't a 37-year-old male like me but instead it's aimed at children and having watched countless kid's movies with my own child, I can't help but think the most are going to enjoy this. The story is fairly routine to an adult but I think kids will enjoy the fun setting of a cute dog being chased by some mean and stupid government people. Oh yeah, they can communicate with the dog, which adds even more charm for young viewers. As an adult, this was at least mildly entertaining and it's at least good enough to where it's worth watching. I thought the kids were charming enough for their roles and there's no doubt that they picked a good dog and one that you can enjoy watching. It was also fun seeing Dominique Swain back in action and one can hope the director and her will do some more films together. A DOGGONE Christmas isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it certainly does what it set out to do. The film is charming enough and it's certainly worth a viewing with your kids.

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