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Deadly Encounter (2004)

Deadly Encounter (2004)

Laura LeightonDaniel MagderAlain GoulemCatherine Colvey
Richard Roy


Deadly Encounter (2004) is a English movie. Richard Roy has directed this movie. Laura Leighton,Daniel Magder,Alain Goulem,Catherine Colvey are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Deadly Encounter (2004) is considered one of the best Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Restaurant hostess and mom Joanne Sanders has to work late one night. After she leaves the restaurant she accidently cuts a car off on the highway. This driver takes it personally and he begins to stalk and harrass Joanne.

Deadly Encounter (2004) Reviews

  • Interesting Premise


    Pulling in 2.6 million viewers, one has to wonder what everyone's opinions on the storyline/plot is. Reading the run down over at lifetime, I was led to believe that this would be an edge-of-your-seat thriller about a single mother being stalked and finally confronting the stalker. Sadly I was mistaken. While the main plot is interesting enough - Single mother run off road one night, then is stalked by same guy, the reasoning behind the stalking left nothing but a really bad taste in my mouth. Laura Leighton plays the victim, and she does it well. Whether it was all those years on Melrose Place or not, she does well in this movie, playing a mother who would do anything to protect her son from harm, and she's looking pretty good too these days. Leighton is really the only good thing about this movie. I think many people will identify with the main character, after discovering why the stalker is stalking, it will be a view-only-once type of movie.

  • What a stupid movie


    OK, so she doesn't have caller ID. When you are being stalked, you GET IT! And no cell phone? When you are being stalked, you GET ONE if you are one of the few full time working parents that is the head of the household that doesn't own one already. This mom gets a big ZERO in the parenting department. So her mom is in the hospital and she decides a shopping trip will help her out. Just a stupid movie. Glad I have Tivo and a FF button on the remote.And what is with the 10 line minimum, I just don't have that much to say about such a bad movie. I guess I can ask why she keeps opening packages that she has no clue who they are from. The son really didn't add much to the movie either. The cops were a big ol zero too. Now get to the nearest Verizon and get the darn cell phone. @@

  • Bad, bad and really bad! **SPOILERS**


    Warning: This may contain SPOILERS!! First of all I watch a lot Lifetime movies and realize they are just that....Lifetime movies. Some are great (really), some are good and some are bad. Unfortunately this movie falls into the latter category. It actually started out with some potential....single, divorced hard working mom (who gets out of work at 2:00 AM) cuts a guy off while driving home from work and let's just say he doesn't take it too well. The stalking begins immediately with phone call hang ups and escalates to her home being broken into and completely trashed. So she goes to her mother's for the night and the next morning her mother's car blows up. This seems to be just a pain in the butt for our heroine who deals with it by going underwear and jewelry shopping!!! So the police put her and her son in a local motel for safe keeping and what does Mom do? She goes off to work leaving the kid all alone at night in a strange motel room and tells him to order a PIZZA!!! I couldn't believe it! Then it really gets stupid! And the ending just made me angry because it was so ridiculous and typical. Too bad because it seemed to have possibilities.

  • disappointing film after a good premise


    Settling down with a cuppa for an afternoon film, the idea of a single mum being stalked by a loony driver seemed quite entertaining. How wrong I was! The single mum who works nights is run off the road by a man furious at a driving mistake she made on the road. But because her phone number is in the car window he can track her down! Therein follows a ridiculous trail of events, totally unrealistic things in the circumstances e.g. leaving her child alone ( who is never allowed to be alone )in a motel to order pizza very late at night whilst she goes to see her ex husband hoping for a reconciliation. The sex scene here was totally unnecessary to the plot of the film. The ending was just silly! And there is a very obvious time goof in that she leaves the motel at night and gets out of the car in the daylight.

  • Appalling stupid, even for a Lifetime Network movie


    Bad news for anyone wanting to film a full-length parody of a Lifetime Network movie- the makers of A Deadly Encounter have already done it, albeit unintentionally. All of the Lifetime tropes are there- a divorced mother in peril from a deranged stalker, an unreliable ex-husband (who, of course, cheated on her while they were married), and a police department that patronizingly dismisses her complaints, forcing her to Stand Up For Herself. Especially jaw-dropping is the scene where the heroine, after enduring a break-in and the attempted murder of her mother by her seemingly ubiquitous stalker, decides to relieve the stress by going shopping! Having seen first hand the harassment of a co-worker by some creep she met at church, I know stalking is not a joke, but it certainly is in this movie.

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