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Doonby (2013)

Doonby (2013)

John SchneiderJenn GotzonErnie HudsonRobert Davi
Peter Mackenzie


Doonby (2013) is a English movie. Peter Mackenzie has directed this movie. John Schneider,Jenn Gotzon,Ernie Hudson,Robert Davi are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. Doonby (2013) is considered one of the best Drama,Mystery movie in India and around the world.

A drifter arrives at a small town, and due to his friendly demeanor is quickly able to find a job, a place to lay his head, and begins to have a positive effect to everyone he meets. But there is obviously something curious with his arrival, and some residents notice unusual events start to occur coinciding with his appearance. The ending is unexpected. It is a story about the value and effect that a single person can have upon those around them.

Doonby (2013) Reviews

  • Held my interest but left me feeling cheated - mysterious enough - but in no way thrilling.


    *** This review may contain spoilers for 'It's A Wonderful Life' as well as for 'Doonby' *** In 'It's A Wonderful Life' the lesson George Bailey learns is 'every life is worth living'. In 'Doonby' the lesson is 'even 'unwanted' children will grow up to save lives and become talented, successful musicians'. In 'It's A Wonderful Life' we see the support of the loving family George Bailey grew up in, and can easily understand how he came to be the man he is. In 'Doonby' they never show how he went from being abandoned at an orphanage by his mother at a very young age, to being the totally well-adjusted adult he becomes. In 'It's A Wonderful Life' an Angel uses magic to show George Bailey what Bedford Falls would have been without him. In Bedford Falls with George Bailey in it, everyone knows him, and in the Bedford Falls without George Bailey, no one knows him. But when Doonby exists, he is unable to shake the hand of Laura's father – how can Doonby exist and at the same time hate Laura's father for aborting him? Not only is the magic hidden until the very end, but the world with Doonby and the world without Doonby seem to have been blended together without explanation. It is like a paradoxical and half-finished script for a 'Twilight Zone' episode. Small wonder I did not see that coming. Who would have guessed the lesson would be so absurd – much less that it would not be directed at any of the characters but at the audience instead. Nothing that happens in the movie is even known to any of the characters except Laura. Laura is the only one who learns the lesson, and she is not pregnant. So the entire story was not about the characters, but about what the film makers want the audience to learn – a clumsy, manipulative, and incoherent breaking the fourth wall. If 'It's A Wonderful Life' and 'The Twilight Zone' had a baby, 'Doonby' would be it. And this baby should never have been born.

  • Engaging characters, a clever plot, and a shocking revelation make Doonby a must see.


    I'd seen just about every movie that was currently running and my choice was between Doonby and Wanderlust. I'd heard nothing about Doonby and didn't find much on-line, so I went with Jennifer Aniston. Can't lose, right? Well, what a mistake. Fortunately, I got another chance to go to the movies and finally did see Doonby. Wow! I was pleasantly surprised how quickly the story grabbed me. The characters were interesting and obviously something was going on beneath the surface that kept me wide awake anxious to find out what it was. I go to just about every movie that comes out, and I was, frankly, expecting the worst since I'd heard nothing about this movie anywhere. But the cinematography was excellent, the acting first-rate (well, a few of the actors were a little amateurish but you'd expect that in a low budget film), and the script ingenious. I left the movie feeling emotionally charged and excited---definitely a movie that is well worth seeing.

  • I registered just to say how terrible this movie is!


    I saw it had just about a 7 rating... Watched it based on the first review saying how great the movie was... That review had to be from someone associated with the film... Or they're mentally ill!... Doonby is BY FAR one of the worst movies I have seen in a very long time... The acting is terrible from everyone except from the couple of veteran old timers they got to star in this movie... The plot/story had potential, but it just ended up God awful... and the movies political/moral agenda shines through with the horrible surprise plot twist at the end... THIS MOVIE IS FLAT OUT TERRIBLE FROM BEGINNING TO END!... and yes I made it to the end.. I had to see if SOMETHING was going to make it a good movie at some point.... but no.... nothing.... a complete waste of almost 2 hours of my life I will never get back.... I am actually dumber having sat through this entire movie!... I gave it a 3 only because I have actually seen worse movies in my lifetime... This one isn't at the very bottom... but not far from it!

  • Makes you think


    This movie is one that has an encouraging message about the value of life very much like Its a Wonderful Life. It will make you think and want to talk about it with someone immediately after. It has been a while since I have seen a good movie with a Sixth Sense type revelation at the end. Though it is rated PG 13 it is a clean film. Here is the content in case you are wondering Language: no four letter words. Violence: there is a gunman who tries to hold up a bar for $ there are a few wild shots fired, punches thrown, bottles thrown, very little blood. Later there is an attempted murder and characters respond aggressively in self defense. Sexuality: a character tries (unsuccessfully) to seduce another (implied nudity). Man in a towel after a shower. Themes: Accusation of attempted rape. Alcoholism and heavy drinking. Mysterious Stalker presence implied throughout the first two acts. In my opinion all edgy/questionable content is not glorified, instead it is contrasted against the positive choices made by the upstanding lead character who displays good morals and decision making. I recommend it.

  • Great message and John Schneider is wonderful as always!


    This movie has a great message that all people have value and make a difference. Our choices dictate what type of affect we have on the people with whom we come in contact. I appreciated the surprises and the emotional pull this story had on me. John Schneider has been one of my favorite actors since the 70's and he continues to create products that are entertaining and powerful. He even has a scene where he showcases his singing/musical skills. I was not familiar with the other actors, but feel it was full of great performances. If you are looking for a movie that leaves you thinking and realizing you can make a difference in people's lives; I recommend this film wholeheartedly.

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