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Guardians (2009)

Guardians (2009)

Chris BellBenjamin BuddTylan CanadyEric Cherney
Drew Maxwell


Guardians (2009) is a English movie. Drew Maxwell has directed this movie. Chris Bell,Benjamin Budd,Tylan Canady,Eric Cherney are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Guardians (2009) is considered one of the best Horror,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

Twilight Cove, a small forgotten town, is besieged by hideous creatures summoned into our dimension. It's only a matter of time before the army of creatures attacks the rest of civilization and wreaks havoc upon the world. At dusk, a beat-up truck containing a rag-tag team of hardened mercenaries rolls into town, and this is not the first time they've been called in to exterminate; they are part of a secret society that has been operating outside of the government and the public eye for thousands of years. Their mission is to keep our world safe from evil-of our own creation and from beyond.

Guardians (2009) Reviews

  • Absolutely terrible rip-off of several other better films.


    Guardians is set in a world where a secret organisation protects Earth & it's habitants from evil forces, they travel around in a cheap van defeating Vampires & monsters & generally making the world a better & safer place to live. Team leader Alex (Shannon Watson) is alerted to the presence of monsters in a small US town that have been summoned by ex-team member & all round bad guy Dr. Strand (Bryce Lord) using an ancient spell book which is one of the most powerful occult items in existence. Strand intends to create an entire army of monsters & take over the world unless Alex & his team who work out of a white van can stop him. They find most of the townspeople barricaded in the local high school which means they also have a rescue mission on their hands... Scored, edited, written & directed by Drew Maxwell I will get straight to the point & say that Guardians is quite simply terrible on all fronts. As I write this comment the only other IMDb user comment rated Guardians an impressive 10 out of 10 & describes it as the 'greatest film of all time' at least twice, suspiciously this user has no other comments & is surely a fake review since I simply can't believe anyone would rate this piece of rubbish a perfect 10 out of 10. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but to my eyes everything about Guardians is awful, the story takes ideas & themes from the likes of The Mist (2007) with the whole mist covered town setting with various survivors fighting off monsters, the whole ancient evil book of spells & magic smells of The Evil Dead (1982) while the whole team of heavily armed military type character's fighting monsters bears more than a passing resemblance to Aliens (1986) & the thing about a secret organisation protecting an ignorant Earth from various monsters & Vampires might remind you of films like Men in Black (1997) & Blade (1998). The film is very poor on all fronts, Guardians is the sort of low budget rubbish that is written around it's budget & the lack of money pretty much determines what will happen rather than the writers imagination. The character's & dialogue are awful, there's zero humour, the action scenes are very poor with an awkward mix of unconvincing CGI & on set effects, the whole film is very predictable & lacks any pace, the story doesn't draw you in or entertain & I honestly can't think of a single positive thing to say about this. Guardians isn't a so bad it's good film it's a so bad you'll want to slit your wrists film. Right, as expected the CGI computer effects are less than convincing. The creature design is alright but the animation & movement is poor. There's no gore to speak of, a guy is impaled, someone is stabbed but otherwise it's just some fake blood splashed around. The basic concept of the film didn't work for me at all, all the surviving townspeople shelter inside the local high school with nothing more than glass panel doors as protection & the makers ask us to believe that these super human monsters that can rip the roof of a car can't break a door down or smash a window & get into the school. Even with simple wooden barricades blocking the doors I still don't buy it for a second, I mean these monsters are pretty useless if they can't break a door down, I mean how are they expecting to take over the world if they can't even get past a single door? Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, I don't know & I don't really care since Guardians is so bad but it's riddled with problems & holes & just plain stupidity it doesn't work as a serious film which it undoubtedly sets out to be. Production wise the film is rock bottom, I know it had a low budget but that's still no excuse for turning in such an awful film. There's no scares or tension or atmosphere or any semblance of coherent story & none of those things require huge amounts of money, do they? The cinematography is awful & there are an alarming amount of times when you literally can't see whats happening because the lighting is so bad & the screen is pitch black. The acting matches the rest of the production standard wise. Guardians is an utterly awful film, I don't really care how low budget it was or how hard the makers tried but when the end product is so bad you can only forgive so much & Guardians ask's you to forgive it's entire existence which I can't. Sorry.

  • OMG it's worse than "Connie & Carla"


    This is a bad movie. It fails on every turn. It's not even a 'good' bad movie -like TROMA (mostly) makes. I don't care that they borrow from Aliens, nor that they borrow from Evil Dead with a mix of MIB and the mist... I don't care if movies are unoriginal, or predictable. I don't care if they have poor CGI, I can put up with decent Sfx, not everyone has the funds to hire ILM, I can put up with bad acting. I want movies to be fun, you know: entertaining. For that, they don't have to be picture perfect. Guardians fails on every front. what's killing is the screenplay. The pacing is ... well off the mark, it's illogical, the plot has no sense of direction and (ergo) is very difficult to understand, it is as if instead of editing the lenghty bits out, someone simply pressed ">>|". I know most bad movies have plot holes large enough to sink the Titanic, but the storyline is generally easy to follow. With guardians ... I am a big fan of bad horrorsflics ... this one nearly broke my heart...

  • Not for everyone


    Let me start off saying that I don't agree with either of the two comments already on this film. No, it's not a standard great film. I'm not going to say that. This movie is not for movie buffs. Not even for traditional fans of horror. If you expect great special effects, don't look here. If you expect wonderful editing, don't look here. It's obvious it was a low budget film. However, if you're a regular player of Call of Cthulhu RPG or even Modern RPGs, this movie is for you. Watching it felt like someone made a movie of their last campaign. In that sense, it was great.

  • Drew Maxwell makes another cracking film brilliant


    I loved this movie the monsters are great, the action is relentless, the kid is just freaky, brilliant acting by the kid hope he makes it big, there's hunks for the women (and guys) and some real fit totty for the guys as well, there's blood n gore to keep the gore fiends happy and some jumps, the film is not predictable and you don't know whats going to happen next i liked the big guy with the blades well cool, i wouldn't argue with him lol, and the dark haired Asian lady with the big guns mmmm well fit she kicks ass (im in love mmmmm) anyway enjoy the film its great fun to get a sequel go to netflix and give a nice comment and give it 5 stars please. look out for Drews new film dust coming soon enjoy CHOJIN

  • All and all Guardians is a blast!


    I highly recommend this film! I saw GUARDIANS at the Shockerfest International Film Festival where it was nominated for "BEST SCI-FI FILM OF THE YEAR." It is no wonder that Warner Bros. distributed this film. I have seen this film on cable many times and every time I watch it I enjoy it. Guardians is like a great graphic novel come to life. This film is true to itself as it does not try to be all things for all viewers unlike so many crappy Hollywood big budget films these days. I commend the director and producers for this! The film is full of atmosphere and has a cool look. From the first shot, Guardians is a non-stop ride filled with action, cool characters, supernatural creatures and an occult villain. What more do you want? A love story and 45 mins. of character development that has been shoved down our throats a million times? Not here, Guardians treats the viewer like we get this stuff- monsters from another dimension out to conquer earth- got it. An ancient order of "Guardians" that operate from the shadows to kill the bad-guys- got it. Kick-butt supernaturally enhanced bullets, blades and a psychic kid that can sense when the creatures are close- got it! Tons of action and not a ton of blah blah dialogue over explaining the plot- got it! I had a great time watching this film and highly recommend it to anyone that loves solid genre films that stay true to what's great about genre films. Someone else said that it felt like a "Call of Cthulhu" game come to life. I agree. That's what makes this film so much fun. It feels like you are in the adventure. I liked the fact that this film is not just another stupid slasher horror film. How many of those have we all seen? Guardians is not trying to be a horror film. It is more of a supernatural adventure. It is something different. Something fun. The acting for the most past is good. The creepy psychic kid that doesn't talk is a great idea and the kid who played him is wonderful. I liked the kick-butt heavy weapons Asian girl. She is very very cool. The villain was well done- not way over the top but evil enough to make it feel right. The creatures were cool. I liked them. I do wish this film was given a bigger budget. This would have made the animation better. It was not bad animation, it just needed a bigger budget. I am a big fan of Lovecraft and this film felt like his stories but updated for our times. Well made and very fun to watch. All and all Guardians is a blast. I highly recommend this film!

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