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Lost Creek (2016)

Lost Creek (2016)

Brynna BartooReuben Becker-KlineSophie Becker-KlineLisa Coruzzi
Colin Adams-Toomey


Lost Creek (2016) is a English movie. Colin Adams-Toomey has directed this movie. Brynna Bartoo,Reuben Becker-Kline,Sophie Becker-Kline,Lisa Coruzzi are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Lost Creek (2016) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy,Horror movie in India and around the world.

In the wake of a messy divorce, 11-year-old Peter moves with his mother to a new town. Coming to terms with his new life, Peter finds comfort playing at the nearby Lost Creek. There, he meets Maggie, a mysterious girl who quickly becomes Peter's new best friend. But, with this comes the slow realization that something in the town is wrong. Adults are disappearing, and Peter is plagued by nightmares that are becoming more and more real with each passing night. With Halloween approaching, Peter and Maggie must band together to face their fears and uncover the dark secrets of Lost Creek before it's too late. Lost Creek is a ghost story about the magical and frightening adventure of childhood, and the bittersweet feeling of coming to the end of that adventure.

Lost Creek (2016) Reviews

  • Little goes on here


    LOST CREEK is a children's independent film about a rash of disappearances in the local woodlands which end up being investigated by the usual intrepid children. The main lead is a young boy who ends up befriending a mysterious young girl who has appeared in the locality at the same time the disappearances are taking place. This film has the whole Stephen King/STRANGER THINGS vibe going on, and it's fairly well made, but the lack of money means that little happens.

  • Good for 12 and under


    Some decent scary sequences. The slow and purposeful hypnotic pace makes the scares that much more of a punch. Would recommend for 12 and under. Hoping the director gets a better budget and actors next time. Could be a scary classic ifso.

  • Not really a horror, but still


    Three young kids, starts to having nightmares and connect it with a monster in they're dream. Lost Creek might not be everybody cup of tea, but it's very well made, and the young actors do very well, in this beginning of they're acting.

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