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Paradox (2016)

Paradox (2016)

Zoë BellMalik YobaAdam HussBjørn Alexander
Michael Hurst


Paradox (2016) is a English movie. Michael Hurst has directed this movie. Zoë Bell,Malik Yoba,Adam Huss,Bjørn Alexander are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Paradox (2016) is considered one of the best Action,Drama,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

A group of young scientists are working on a secret project that may allow them to travel ahead in time. They test it by sending one of their own ahead one hour. He returns pleading with them to shut it down, explaining that within that hour, they will all die.

Paradox (2016) Reviews

  • interestingly terrible but terribly interesting


    All things considered, this is more than watchable. It has a simple idea, a simple set and it executes it without too much hassle. I didn't really get on board with any sense of drama and/or nervous tension, and I was unable to commit myself to the characters. Finding a lot of the acting a touch wooden with predictable scripting, although this may have been an intentional 'cheesy humour', I couldn't quite tell ! There was one character who didn't have many lines but was playing a 'thug/heavy' role, and in response to some techno babble asked for it to be dumbed down ... I did laugh out loud! However, I am glad I watched to the end as there was an unexpected twist!

  • Here's a neat time-travel trick - save yourself an hour and a half, and don't watch this crap.


    This review doesn't have any spoilers because there's nothing to spoil. The worst part of this film is the sudden inconsistencies and almost randomly atrocious continuity, not just in the plot, but in the characters' behaviour. Terrible dialogue, terrible, terrible, storyline; totally, 100% unsympathetic characters, and truly, monumentally awful acting. Too bad for MST3K to parody. Here's a neat time-travel trick - save yourself an hour and a half, and don't watch this crap. One of the worst films I've ever seen.

  • A good idea on a low budget - better than a near miss. I liked it


    I've read the reviews on here and I tend to agree with all of them - Yes, I agree with the people who criticised it AND the people who loved it. Is it low budget? Yes Are the opening scenes and character exposition a little "amateur"? Yes Is it poorly acted? For some of the lesser characters, perhaps. Is it a very good idea for a time travel thriller? Yes Has the time travel plot been meticulously planned? Yes, Kudos! Is the overarching story line well executed? Yes Are the lead actors and actresses engaging? Yes Does it make you think, even after the movie has ended? Yes - and that's bang for buck! Does it make sense? Yes So that's it - a good idea for a film with a couple of interesting characters and relationships that,based around time travel, and a good time travel plot (which is a rare thing) It didn't set the world on fire - low budget time travel films never do. Zoe Bell probably was the best of the actors - I read on here she is also a stunt woman - which makes a lot of sense - She has a great physique and the director knew how to use her skills and assets - Reminded me a little of Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest! The other actors were a little forgettable, sadly. So over all - some poor performances and a slightly amateur exposition did not diminish from the stronger points of the movie, which were a good time travel synopsis that was well executed and a good performance from Zoe Bell.

  • would you like your C grade with Cheese?


    I was tricked into giving this one some time by the first 2 reviews in the list. They lied. While the story synopsis implies there might be an interesting sci fi setup floating about, the first 10 mins of terrible acting, stale scenes and exposition make you not care about waiting to find out. The first scene was like an 80s kids drama of 'acting'. All fake urgency and 'drama'. The next scene with 2 cops in a car giving us the run down on the central group of scientists they were watching dragged on for what seemed like hours. I'm not sure it ever stopped. The 'scientists' were giving it their best 'teen 80s delinquent' impersonations which made me wonder if this movie was a tongue in cheek nod to those crappy movies of that period, (like we need more of them?), but that thought soon left my mind as I wished it to be over as soon as possible, but that wasn't going to happen till the full 90 minutes of excruciating was over. This is not worth your time. It's not clever, it's not funny, it's just boring, and badly done at that.

  • Great B movie action fun


    Just caught this on netflix, frigging hilariously awesome, this movie is straight out of the 80s/90s, didn't know they still made these. Great popcorn sci-fy/action flick with a lot of cheesy dialogue, B-movie acting and an interesting storyline. I would say it's something like 'The Cube' meets 'The Usual Suspects', two of my favorite flicks. Also a very fun time travel aspect that brings a lot of twists and turns to the table. Some great over the top bloody violent deaths like the cube too. The 10 rating might be too high obviously but I just want to exaggerate that its a great B-movie flick. I can't believe people are giving this a negative review for being cheesy? Thats like giving Toy Story a bad review for being unrealistic. Anybody who says this movie stinks doesn't understand the B-movie genre. Watching it again soon with a couple brews this time, can't wait!

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