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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

Johnny DeppGeoffrey RushJavier BardemOrlando Bloom
Joachim Rønning,Espen Sandberg


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) is a English,Spanish movie. Joachim Rønning,Espen Sandberg has directed this movie. Johnny Depp,Geoffrey Rush,Javier Bardem,Orlando Bloom are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar (Javier Bardem), escape from the Devil's Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea...including him. Captain Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) Reviews

  • A below average retread of previous pirates films


    After not really caring for the last pirates of the Caribbean film I didn't have high expectations for this movie but I went and saw it and I was right to have these low expectations. The premise of the film sees the return of captain jack sparrow as he leads an expedition for the Trident of Poseidon while on the run from an old enemy. Johnny depp has become known for the role of jack sparrow and I think when in that character he usually delivers his best, that was until this film. He has some of the charisma and jack nuances in his performances that makes him entertaining, but this character is a shell of his former self. This is the least funny he has ever been, the least charming he has been and I ended up feeling like he phoned in this performance quite a bit. The supporting cast is pretty large but I will go over the main ones, Salazar played by Javier bardem is the main villain in this film and I thought he was a pretty decent villain. He is a little hard to understand at times but, he is pretty menacing in this film and I liked his back story that makes him also a little sympathetic but then he is menacing and it adds to his performance. Geoffrey rush is back as hector barbosa in this film and like always he is great, I wasn't the biggest fan of some of the things done with his character but rush always gives a fun charismatic performance that does make me smile. However, we get to the new characters played by Brendon thwaites and kaya scodelario who are both completely wooden and lacking. I didn't buy there chemistry at all and I didn't like the involvement of lore to try to make Them interesting because they really weren't. The story is very jumbled and a bit all over the place, similar to stranger tides there is just too many people going after this artifact that you don't even remember them all. The Salazar plot and trident plot feels like two different movies and the meshing just really didn't work. The script has a couple of laughs in it I can't deny that I laughed enough for passable. However, there was a lot of misses in this script with this possibly being the least funny of the films and definitely the film with the least drama and heart in it. The style of this film has some of the pirates action scenes that are very enjoyable especially towards the beginning of the film. But as the film progresses the action felt a bit hollow as I didn't really care about any of the characters. Overall this is the weakest pirates film in my opinion and unless you are a big fan of this franchise like me it isn't really worth a watch.

  • The Future of Theatre Structure is going to be More Like Amusement Park!


    This film is a kind of attraction like Disney attraction facility of the same name rather than pure film that audiences just sitting there to see. The tag line is simple enough that Captain Jack Sparrow seeking the trident of Poseidon to get rid of UK navy ghosts which led by Captain Salazar who perfectly performed by the remarkable actor Javier Bardem (he is well known by antagonist Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men). The most memorable sequence in the entire film is the last under sea sequence in which IMAX screen can fully express its large vertical actions in 4D. That is the most remarkable and wholistic cinematic experience during viewing, sensing of this film. It is very close to the next development phase of film. I believe film can be 4D attraction but the limitation still is its structure of traditional theaters. Cinema and Amusement Park are in more harsh competition in the 21st. century. In the future theaters are more like Amusement Park! At the present, 4D is limited within the traditional theaters structure...need transformation of theaters! Demonstration with film screening, night market with film screening, temple festival with film screening are still belong to the traditional 2D era.

  • Oh My God I Am So Effing Disappointed I Cannot Believe What I Have Just Seen


    (Gonna try not to cuss) I will start by saying I was/am fanatical about all three of the first ones. Yes the original is still the best, but the second is almost every damn bit as good. The plot was creative enough that it felt necessary, the writing was on par with the first, and Davy Jones is SO freaking good oh my god he is literally my favorite villain of all time (save for Agent Smith). The third one has its flaws (though I really can't think of any besides Keira Knightley's acting being occasionally over the top), but as a whole it's a WONDERFUL movie. Like sweet Jesus, Hans Zimmer's freaking score for that movie alone is goddamn legendary. And as a result I totally bought into the romance between Will & Elizabeth and really just felt an emotional connection to the whole series because of it (much like the emotion Howard Shore's music invokes for LotR). But what makes the third one so impressive is how well it handles ALL of that crazy plot while still introducing great new sh*t like the Brethren Court. But I'm not here to talk about how great the original trilogy was. Odds are, most of you liked them too. What I want to talk about briefly before I tear Dead Men Tell No Tales to shreds, is On Stranger Tides. From what I gather, the fourth installment was/is NOT very popular. I like it. And I'll tell you why. While it didn't have the same epic sense of scale and adventure and romance and everything that made the first three so great, IT STILL HAD GOOD WRITING. It was clever, and witty, and funny as ever. And this is because Ted & Terry were still writing them, not FRICKING Jeff Nathanson. OMFG I'll get to him later. I would urge you though to go back and give On Stranger Tides another chance, especially if you've now seen the fifth installment. I think you'll find that even though it doesn't quite hold up against the first three it still FEELS like a Pirates of the Caribbean, and for all the reasons that Dead Men Tell No Tales did not, and here they are: 1) Johnny Depp has completely lost it. It's like he forgot how to play Jack Sparrow. There were seriously times watching him when I thought he was more Mad Hatter than he was Jack Sparrow. And it's so sad to watch. The old Jack was an idiot sure, but he was always clever, he was always suave, always cool. In this he's just silly. It's embarrassing. I'm serious when I say he acts like the Mad Hatter, you'll see what I mean. In the fourth one he at least still felt like Jack Sparrow. 2) Zimmer's so called "protege" Geoff Zanelli is so forgettable. I was actually trying to listen for his music but the only times the music stood out was when he was rehashing Zimmer's themes. And some of you may be like *sissy voice "oh that's all Zimmer did was rehash Badelt's themes". BISH PLEASE. Not only did he make Badelt's original theme sound even better, he introduced so many new ones (Jack's theme, Davy Jones' theme, Will & Elizabeth's theme). Even On Stranger Tides added a fun new Spanish twist to the old stuff. 3) Salazar, Henry, & Carina are also all completely forgettable. They're worse than Blackbeard (who I actually quite liked), Philip, and Syrena. There is hardly ANY character development for them and what little there was felt SO forced. I feel terrible for them (especially Thwaites and Bardem) because they're not bad actors (Bardem is actually a fantastic actor) but they just got saddled with one of the WORST freaking scripts of all time, which brings me to my final and primary complaint with the fifth installment. 4) JEFF NATHANSON IS CANCER. I mean my biggest (only) concerns from the start (because let's be honest the trailer's gave NO hint that the movie would be this bad) were the fact that Zimmer wasn't composing and that JEFF NATHANSON, the idiot who ruined Indiana Jones, was writing it, but I NEVER thought he could have F'd up this movie, not as badly as he did. Like, the movie had SO much going for it. Salazar could have been another great villain to put alongside Jones and Barbossa, but he was totally wasted with minimal and poor dialogue. Carina Smith, a female astronomer, could have been a GREAT female character! And her romance with Henry could have been done BEAUTIFULLY! Instead, what did we get? Well, I won't spoil it for you but I will say there is one of the most forced, predictable, and painstakingly banal twists I've ever seen in a movie regarding her character. So, as I said, I absolutely LOVED the first three, and I really did like the fourth one. Enough that I was very excited about what they could do with the next one (the fifth one). All my friends said the franchise was dead but I maintained that the fifth installment had the potential to be amazing (which it did). And I waited SIX GODDAMNED YEARS for this fifth one. And it, was just, god, awful. So bad that I actually now don't want to see another installment, and I will honestly probably never watch it again because it's so bad that it almost taints my love for the first four. I tried to think of reasons to give it more than the lowest possible rating, any reason. And ALL I could think of was the visual quality that the two Norwegian directors brought to it, so good for them, I give the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean a whopping two stars. Thank you. This has been my angrily hastened unedited review of Dead Men Tell No Tales.

  • Very disappointed with the direction they went for this one


    The writing is very minimalistic, character's are all former shadows of themselves. The young character leads are forgettable and character development feels almost non-existent. The lead female is an advocate for woman's rights it seems..instead of just being a really cool protagonist who 'happens' to be female. The whole cast pretty much runs around doing nothing. Jack's crew (Gibbs in particular) have been reduced to mediocre comedy relief. Quite a few plot holes as well as being historically inaccurate in parts. I did enjoy a few scenes, not enough to warrant a rave review though. :P I've enjoyed all of the Pirates films but I think it's about time they wrap things up.

  • Good Tales Be Told By Dead Men


    After the ordeal of On Stranger Tides comes a sequel that sets sails in a truly amazing and beautiful fashion. First off the film is a great send up compared to the weakest link in the series, On Stranger Tides. The cast, effects, and story line are great. The film as a whole is amazing. Once again we get Johnny Depp as the ever funny and intoxicated Captain Jack Sparrow. His performance is hilariously outrageous. He is very good and funny within the film. Unlike his performance in Stranger Tides his acting a characterization of the titular captain seems to have great passion and not the feeling of a called in performance. Again my personal favorite character returns to the 5th film is Geoffrey Rush as the amazingly interesting Captain Hector Barbossa. Within the Hector still rides high as the captain at the helm of the Queen Ann's Revenge. When we meet up with him in the film he has become very wealthy and rich from trade and knocking off ships. He then joins a false alliance with the films hardcore villain, Captain Salazar. Rush's performance as the titular captain is great and very touching. A sad note for many including me is that this is barbossa's last appearance in the series. He dies towards the end of the film, in a very courageous and brave manor, trying to save his long lost daughter Carina Smith, played by Kaya Scodelario. Next We get are new villain, Captain Salazar, played by Javier Bardem. Bardem's performance as the tortured Captain Salazar is one for the ages. His performance is gut renchingly creepy and at the same time sympathetic in a dark sort of way. His story goes like this, he was a might Spanish general who hunted and killed thousands of pirates across the sea. During one of his showdowns he was confronted by a very young (Thanks to great CGI) Jack Sparrow. He is then tricked by Jack and his ship is sent into the Devil's Triangle where he and his crew are cursed to stay forever, or at least until Jack screws up and let's them free. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan return for a very brief time span in this entry but their presence is very well known. Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom return as their titular characters from the previous installments. Will, now five years after 16 years after he became the captain of the Flying Dutchman is covered in barnacles and coral, still not as bad as old fish face, Davy Jones. Keira Knightley shows up towards the climax of the movie where here and will can finally reunite again after the trident of Poseidon is broken and all of the curses in the see are destroyed. Though they are in the film for a very brief time frame their presence is quite uplifting and good, a true treat would be to see them have bigger roles in up incoming installments. Are new characters are Brenton Thwaites and of course Kaya Scodelario as the two young leads of the film. Thwaite's plays Henry Turner, the son of Will and Elizabeth, who in the film is sixteen. Within the film, he wants to free his father from the dreaded curse of being bound to the Dutchman. In doing so he needs the trident of Poseidon. Thwaite's plays Henry in a very natural way. He seems in place in the film and does a very good job. Then we have Kaya Scodelario as Carina Smith. Smith is a women of science. She believes in the simple and factual way of life. Later in the film we learn that she is the daughter of Barbossa, who had her at a very young age along time ago. Their relationship, Geoffrey Rush's and Kaya Scodelario's is very sweet and subtle. through the film you can feel Barbossa's pain of knowing who his daughter is and her not knowing who her father is. Scodelario plays Carina superbly and is one the new standout performances. On a minor charter level we have a new British antagonist, General Scarfeild played by the brilliant and underrated Australian actor David Whenham. Though in the film for a short period, Scarfeild is an interesting charter and chews the scenes he is in. Another new charter is the films new voodoo witch played by Golihifteh Farahani. In the film she is the friend of Barbossa and give him valuable information. She is creepy and interesting as her character. From a film making stand point, the film looks great. The colors in the film are magnificent, the ships and sea faring parts are extraordinary, and the special effects are freaking amazing, Salazar and his crew are beautiful in a creepy dead rotted pirate way. The two new directors did a very good job, way better then Rob Marshall directing On Stranger Tides. On an overall look, Pirate of the Caribbean 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales is an amazing film. The acting is spectacular. The Visuals are splendid and the story is very impressive. I loved the film, my one complaint would be that Barbossa Dies. He was my favorite character in the series. Well, anyways, the film was a great fun-filled ride and i personally can't wait until the next one. Rest in Peace Captain Barbossa, until we meet again! Two-Peg legs up!

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