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Spirit Stalkers (2012)

Spirit Stalkers (2012)

Steve HudginsP.J. WoodsideJessica DockreyNick Faust
Steve Hudgins


Spirit Stalkers (2012) is a English movie. Steve Hudgins has directed this movie. Steve Hudgins,P.J. Woodside,Jessica Dockrey,Nick Faust are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Spirit Stalkers (2012) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

The Spirit Stalkers reality show, once a big hit, faces cancellation without a ratings boost, which leads the investigative team to Gloria Talman, whose house is rampant with unexplained ghostly activity.

Spirit Stalkers (2012) Reviews

  • There has to be a perfectly logical explanation...


    Spirit Stalkers is an intelligent group of investigators who work together to explain away claims of the paranormal. As Rueben (the leader of this group) explains, "You don't prove the existence of a ghost by actually going out and finding one... you prove the existence by ruling out every other logical explanation there is..." The problem is that these folks are so good at their jobs that never once have they ever encountered anything that can be classified as a spirit from "the other side." This would not be such an issue if it wasn't for the fact that they perform their duties in front of the camera, for the entertainment of the viewers that tune-in to their reality television show "Spirit Stalkers." Their ratings are on the line week after week. Gloria Talman has recently become the owner of a large, older home and has a dream of perhaps turning it into a bed and breakfast. Maybe she should have checked with the spirits haunting the estate before signing on the dotted line. Maybe it is just the house settling. Perhaps there is just a draft. Whatever is going on, it's enough to drive anyone to the brink of calling in "The Ghost Busters." Of course Ghost Busters is just a movie but Spirit Stalkers are real, plus they have a proved track record. Gloria's home may be just what this team has been hoping for. The disturbances in this house may defy any logical explanation. If so, then what we are left with is a Spirit Stalkers dream come true. Some dreams are better left to the sleeping. Spirit Stalkers is a Big Biting Pig Productions masterpiece. Technically superior to any BBP Production that has come before. Which is saying something, since all of their films are setting the standard for the independent horror/thriller genre. Once again they raise the bar and put you on the edge of your seat. So if that is where you like to be I say go ahead and take a seat in front of Spirit Stalkers as they try to explain this one away.

  • Well made reality genre horror


    This provided an almost voyeuristic experience in horror as it seemed so realistic. The blend of a scientific examination of phenomenon with the horror of the unexplainable was a potent mix. This was the key in character building a compelling storyline that delivered in explosive style. If you like watching the reality TV stuff where ghost hunting goes on this will seem like a natural thing to watch and gets your guard down as it starts to lead into a territory that if far from familiar in such programmes. This was really a very good production and if it had not been it would have easily resulted in the screen horror being discounted as something one can distance from as light entertainment. This was instead a dose of heavy entertainment. I would recommend it, but suggest that you do not watch it alone.

  • Wonderful Low Budget Treat


    I just watched this on Prime. I love ghost/possession stuff and was like, "eh. I will give it 5 minutes and see how I feel." TBH there's a lot of trash ghost stuff out there so I'm a bit jaded. This movie is amazing. It is such a good story. Such good little twists and reveals. Way better than 75% that the genre produces. I would love to see a higher budget version someday. I have already posted on my Facebook about it and plan to share it in some groups. Great job to everyone involved. Thanks.

  • Surprising even with a home-made feel


    The acting feels amateurish, but this hooked me. There's a simplicity to it, especially the build up in the first third, and the acting started to feel like regular people going about their lives. It's not terrifying so much as interesting. Even the clunky editing and the shaky camera didn't bother me. The neighbors visiting seemed odd like an actual meeting of new neighbors you've not met. Don't expect anything but goofyness, but if you like that its worth it. I gave it 6 stars, but mostly because whoever made this were clearly having a good time and it was contagious.

  • Actually Not Bad


    So I watched a paranormal investigator style horror movie today, who would have guessed that? The acting I won't say is bad, instead I'll say it's green... at first I thought it was going to be one of those low budget religious orientated horrors where they preach mental illness is actually paranormal, something along those lines, but it doesn't go that way, and ultimately it turned out to not be a bad story at all, and actually rather enjoyable once you make it past the cacophony of the amateur which many would find insurmountable... I say give this one a shot. Movie: SPIRIT STALKERS Where: Amazon My Rating: 3/5 or 7/10

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