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The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man (2018)

The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man (2018)

Tommy AvalloneJohn BarnhardtChristopher BeaumontMike Bozzuffi
Tommy Avallone


The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man (2018) is a English movie. Tommy Avallone has directed this movie. Tommy Avallone,John Barnhardt,Christopher Beaumont,Mike Bozzuffi are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man (2018) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

This documentary explores various urban legends around Hollywood's most elusive star.

The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man (2018) Reviews

  • A great capturing of a regular guy who happens to be a Super Star


    Several years ago, a friend told me a story about when she & her husband were on a flight when she went to hand her empty glass to an airline steward. Being a stewardess herself, she quickly realized the guy who was taking up trash wasn't an airline employee - it was Bill Murray. He volunteered to help gather trash! Great story - which is repeated in different ways several times during this documentary. Such a great guy who likes to make people feel better. This is totally worth 1:10 it takes to watch this show. Highly recommend it!



    Bill Murray is the Banksy of public performance art. He's a warm, wonderful oddball who just might crash your next event, however small, or insignificant, and instead of dominating the room from a celebrity perch, he just blends in. These life bombs of wedding pictures, kickball games and karaoke bars, are now the stuff of urban legend. Though with digital proof, they are just legend. Why a Hollywood hotshot would chose to mingle with his audience, sometimes for hours, is the question documentarian Tommy Avallone tries to answer in this rather fine film. We see the famous grainy footage: Bill tending bar, Bill washing dishes at a party, Bill treating a stranger to World Series tickets, and we meet the giddy recipients of these pop-up moments. As theories are bandied about, it becomes clear that there is something transcendently magical about these experiences, for everyone involved. Less about giving, and more about sharing, Murray's connections are real, unscripted, joyous. Tommy spends the whole of the movie tracking down the elusive movie star, culminating in an encounter which plays true to the spirit that Murray has cultivated. Quite a lot of fun.

  • No One Will Ever Believe You


    This was a surprisingly good documentary. I think that the main premise was to try to make philosophical sense out of Bill Murray, the man. It doesn't start out that way. The beginning makes you feel as if the shows premise is the phenomena of Bill Murry stories. There are some heartwarming footage of Murray at various venues having just popped up randomly. Interspersed are some movie clips; and, the theme switches there to philosophy. If you love Bill Murray, you'll love this movie. If you don't, after watching this movie, you'll love Bill Murry... then, after you've watched the movie a second time, you'll love this movie.

  • It DOES matter--watch it!


    I watched this on Netflix, accidentally finding it hidden after hundreds of other recommended shows. I don't think Netflix really knows me as well as it thinks it does. Bill Murray was someone who grew on me. The first time I saw him on SNL I was not really impressed. But I grew to appreciate him and have enjoyed many of his movies. We watch Groundhog Day every Groundhog Day we can and I never get tired of it. When the Cubs won the World Series, there was an article about Bill Murray's excitement over the win on which had a quote it would have been good to have been included in the show--"Strive to be the Bill Murray this world needs." The documentary showed how true that it is--Bill Murray is what the world needs, and he helps the world one person at a time. There are a lot of things that just don't matter, but watching this is not one of them. Beware of the "F" bombs if watching it with kids. There were some who reacted as did Woody Harrelson's character in Zombieland when seeing Bill Murray or even reflecting on seeing him.

  • Perfect


    This is how all documentaries should be done. No political agendas, just fact finding and story telling. Loved it.

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