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We Are Monster (2014)

We Are Monster (2014)

Leeshon AlexanderAymen HamdouchiGethin AnthonyJustin Salinger
Antony Petrou


We Are Monster (2014) is a English movie. Antony Petrou has directed this movie. Leeshon Alexander,Aymen Hamdouchi,Gethin Anthony,Justin Salinger are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. We Are Monster (2014) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

On 8th February 2000 at Feltham Young Offenders Institute, Robert Stewart, a known violent racist was placed in a cell with Zahid Mubarek, a young Asian man due to be released in 6 weeks who had only been convicted of petty theft. Over this six week period, Stewart, with his unbalanced mind and deep seated racist tendencies is allowed, through indifference bordering on institutional culpability, to become the 'monster' he always wanted to be. Hours before Mubarek's release, Stewart murdered him in an unprovoked attack.

We Are Monster (2014) Reviews

  • Worthy, but must try harder


    This is based on the case of Robert Stewart, a racist who, incarcerated in Feltham Young Offenders Institute, murdered his Asian cellmate, Zahid Mubarek. The film seeks to tell some of Stewart's back-story, as well as expose the failings at Feltham itself. Lead actor, the unusually-named 'Leeshon' Alexander, also wrote the script. And there's the problem: as an actor, he makes a fair writer; as a writer, he makes a fair actor. Most of the film has Stewart imagining he's talking to a slightly more exciting version of himself (also played by Alexander). The constant swearing and racial epithets these conversations consist of become wearing with nothing lighter to enliven the piece; even a shot of the impressively-muscled Alexander in the shower (waist upwards only I'm afraid) has to be accompanied by his 'other self' moaning about how he acquired a tattoo of Bob Marley on his arm. Secondary characters - even the victim himself, Mubarek - are barely more than sketched out; the prison guards are shown as exclusively lazy, racist, or both. As for the acting, Alexander relies too much on wide-eyed stares to convey an unhinged mind. (And, to be honest, he's rather swarthy to be convincing as a white racist - possibly that's why the entire film is shot in a strange, washed-out, unrealistic light.) The bigwig at the 2014 Edinburgh International Film Festival who introduced the film used film snob language like 'raw' and 'uncompromising'. Perhaps. But my verdict is it's a worthwhile effort, but try harder next time. Doing a socially-conscious campaigning piece is all very well, but you've got to throw the audience a bone of interest every now and again.

  • An Interesting and Original Narrative on a Tragedy


    When I had heard that this movie was being released I was quite curious to see what it was going to be like: was it going to be a hard hitting truth and highlight the systematic failures of a UK prison system, which allowed a young man to be murdered in cold blood or was it going to be a limp drama which exonerated the guilty in their part? Well, when I saw the first 10 minutes I nearly switched off, as I soon realised that it was from the murderers perspective and I did not want to hear it. For what ever reason, I kept watching and I became drawn in by the surreal surroundings, brought to life with brilliant cinematography and effects and with a very well written story, I slowly regressed into the mind of a seriously disturbed individual. I know for sure that what really happened was nothing like the film, as the film missed out quite a lot of what really happened because I was part of the Inquiry into the Death of Zahid Mubarak 2006. Even so, I must admit the story was well written and it made great entertainment and at the same time it has brought Zahid back into the minds of the public. One day justice will be served and those responsible will be brought to book. I recommend this movie not just for it's subject matter but for it's accomplishments and they are a well written storyline, great cinematography, and very well acted.

  • a sledgehammer of a film


    Using a series of flashbacks we learn about how Robert Stewart became a 'monster' but also how his younger years have moulded him into the brutal mentally disturbed racist that he is in his present days. The film is a very hard film to watch and is so uncomfortable as we watch and hear some of the most racist comments seen in films for years, but that is the point. We Are Monster shouldn't be a pleasant entertaining film to watch, it needs to be (and is) an extremely powerful piece of film that gives us a nasty glimpse into the minds of nasty people Whilst the film itself does sit firmly on the shoulders of the lead actor Leeshon Alexander (playing Robert Stewart), who does an all too convincing job of playing someone I wouldn't want to meet in a well lit alley, never mind a dark alley at night. The supporting cast also does a top notch job in this true story. Familiar faces such as Doug Allen (The Guvnors), Aymen Hamdouchi (My Brother The Devil), and Gethin Anthony (Game of Thrones) all have great roles in 'We Are Monster'. Without delving into spoilers for the film, the use of silence also works wonders in the film with a section at the start using mood, and scenery and looks to tell us everything we need to know. Recently the 2013 film 'Starred Up' gathered huge acclaim and 'We Are Soldier' is right up there alongside that film. Its a tough film to watch but its a film that everyone should see for many reasons. Its a story that should be shared, its a film thats brilliant put together, and contains some of the most subtle but powerful performances of recent years. For those who think the UK film industry is full of cockney-gangster films. 'We Are Monster' will prove you wrong.

  • Un-compromising interpretation of events at Feltham YOI - a must-see


    We Are Monster (based on real life events)will stay with you, it provokes sympathy for the victim(s) and outrage and disbelief as to why a young man is murdered within his cell at Feltham Young Offenders Institute when it could and should have been prevented. What causes the viewer considerable disquiet is the murderer's own story as we learn about his abusive childhood, at the hands of his racist, violent father, and his mother who turned away. The lead role of the protagonist is played by Leesham Alexander. I hadn't seen any of his work before, his performance was mesmerizing and compelling, drawing you in to the murderer's highly disorganised and damaged view of the world, acutely paranoid and withdrawn he finds himself within Feltham having spent previous time in other YOIs alone but sharing a cell with a young Asian man. The unfolding events are told through the murder's perspective as he struggles and stumbles toward the inevitable, horrific but avoidable end. The victim, convincingly played by another relative unknown, is a young man with a future who appears to have a rehabilitated himself is due to be released. This film is unsettling, but rightly so, if you enjoy a film which is thought provoking and challenging this is for you. I hope it does well for the writer, director and cast because the story remains highly relevant following the subsequent inquiry and the lessons not (yet) learned. Great direction from Antony Petrou and cinematography which captures the starkness of the institutions in which we place young people with little if any support. I suspect it will be uncomfortable viewing for the governor and warders/officers involved (some of whom tried to intervene and do right by their charges), as well as the Home Office and others. There is no getting away from the social and political issues highlighted.

  • It's us or them


    Based on a true story. Habitual offender Robert Stewart (Leeshon Alexander) was placed in the same cell as Zahid Mubarek (Aymen Hamdouchi). Robert is a psychotic racist who talks to himself. The results weren't good. The film has some flashbacks to an abused childhood, but it is mostly Robert talking to himself. The film was interesting for a while, except there are only so many conversations I can watch a person have with themselves before I get bored, and this film definitely crossed the line. Did I mention Robert talks to himself? Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.

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