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Weiner (2016)

Weiner (2016)

Anthony WeinerHuma AbedinJordan Zain WeinerBarbara Morgan
Josh Kriegman,Elyse Steinberg


Weiner (2016) is a English movie. Josh Kriegman,Elyse Steinberg has directed this movie. Anthony Weiner,Huma Abedin,Jordan Zain Weiner,Barbara Morgan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Weiner (2016) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Serving seven consecutive terms, Anthony Weiner, good friends with and political allies to the Clintons, was once a highly respected member of Congress from New York City, he seen as a man sticking up for the every day person. That all changed in June, 2011 when he was forced to resign in disgrace after admitting that he did tweet lewd "headless" photos of himself from his public Twitter account to women he met online, and that it was not the work of a hacker or that the photos were of someone else. At the time, his wife Huma Abedin, herself a key aide to Hillary Clinton, was pregnant with their first child, she who decided to stand by her man. Two years later with Abedin still by his side, Weiner tries to resurrect his political career in a run for New York City mayor. He realizes that he has an uphill battle not only because of the known previously tweeted photos, but that there are other lewd photos from that era that may also come to light during the campaign. Regardless of the ...

Weiner (2016) Reviews

  • "Why did you let me film this?"


    "Weiner" (2016 release; 96 min.) is a documentary about disgraced new York politician Anthony Weiner (pronounced: "wiener", not "whiner"). As the movie opens, we have Weiner in an interview chair, talking to the documentary makers. We then go back to 2011, when we get a thumbnail overview of how a sexting scandal led to his resignation from US Congress. We then shift to "May 13, 2013, two years after his resignation". Weiner is about to enter the race for New York Mayor, and along the way decided to give unlimited access to these documentary makers during his campaign. By then you are already nailed to your seat as you watch what is unfolding. Couple of comments: this is the first full-length documentary for co-writer and directors Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg. While the comeback attempt in and of itself would've made for riveting viewing, can you imagine how they felt when smack in the middle of the unfolding campaign, another controversy explodes? It doesn't get any better than this for documentaries (on the same level as "The Armstrong Lie" about Lance Armstrong and "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" about Wilco). There are so many fine moments in this documentary, and I certainly don't want to spoil your viewing experience, but allow me to just point out two scenes: there is a very clever montage of Weiner's campaign taking a foothold and gaining track (to the point of leading the polls), set to the "Theme of S.W.A.T.", and it works beautifully. Even better is the scene between Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin when the second controversy explodes. Ah yes, the wife. Normal people like you and me immediately think: why on earth does she decide to stick by her man, time and again, humiliation upon humiliation? Then it dawns on me: these are not 'normal' people like you and me. Huma stays with Weiner the same reason Hillary stayed with Bill: it's all about the power! These career politicians know one thing, and one thing only: get the power, and stay in power, whatever means necessary, whatever personal sacrifice is needed along the way. When the final curtain comes down (Weiner obviously did not win the mayoral election), one of the directors asks Weiner "why did you let me film all this?". You'll just have to see for yourself how Weiner responds to this... Bottom line: if you like documentaries, you will absolutely love this riveting look at a disgraced politician whose narcissistic personality disorder is fully exposed here. "Weiner" made a splash when it debuted at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, and I couldn't wait to see it. It finally opened this weekend at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati. The Saturday matinée screening where I saw this at was attended poorly, to my surprise. Maybe strong word-of-mouth (which this movie surely generates) will lead to wider exposure down the road through VOD or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray. Meanwhile, "Weiner" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  • What do we vote for these days?


    As a New Yorker who voted in the mayoral election that is depicted in this film.....ahhh, if I had only known better. Weiner is a politician who had a sex/porn/internet problem and it didn't disappear the minute he was publicly disgraced. Yet, he was an excellent politician, without a doubt a better candidate than the one I voted for. And yet, the story that was most in the news at the time (and shown in this film) was his poor judgement about his personal life, and negligible press about his competency as a champion for the middle class. Furthermore, the timeline of the Sydney Leathers relationship was hardly prominent. I hadn't realized it was over a year earlier. (Albeit better if it had been five years earlier though.) History is replete with great leaders who had amoral sex lives, not the least Harding who had an illegitimate child shortly before his election as our 29th president. We won't even discuss what happened in JFK's life, and yet the public forgives him. In no way do I think Weiner should be condoned for acting so inappropriately while being a public servant, but it would also be great if we could focus on POLITICAL competency instead of extramarital sexual blunders. As I see it, when Donald Trump is the GOP nominee with all his sexual improprieties, obviously it's all about the media. And to me, that is the true essence of this documentary. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MEDIA. My takeaway, although cliché, is that it's the media's storyline, which panders to the readers' lowest common interest -- bringing serious consequences to our politics today.

  • Riveting Like Watching a Train Wreck


    At first glance, the film seems to be about how a promising congressman from New York destroyed his political career because of inappropriate postings on the internet. It is to some extent, but it is also about how the media can build up someone in one moment and tear that same person down the next. The film won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival. "Weiner" begins with archival footage of Anthony Weiner as the liberal firebrand on the floor of the House. Having not known much about Rep. Weiner before the scandal, this was eye-opening to me. Here you really see what he could have become had the scandal not occurred. From that point on, the film follows the subject from the initial scandal up until the aftermath of his New York mayoral run. As expected, the film shows numerous clips about Weiner during this critical time in his career and the media circus that ensued. However, what really makes the film compelling is the behind-the-scenes footage between Weiner, his campaign staff and his family. You really feel like a "fly on the wall" eavesdropping on some very personal discussions. The film was co-directed and shot by Josh Kriegman, who once served as Weiner's chief-of-staff. Kriegman and his co- director Elyse Steinberg, were given unprecedented access. What does go is so personal and intense that at one point in the film, Kriegman even asks Weiner why he is even allowing them to continue shooting. "Weiner," while infuriating sometimes to watch, is a wild ride of a character-study filled with contradictions. On the one hand, Anthony Weiner seems to be fully aware of the damage he has inflicted to his career and his family, but at other times appears quite delusional. Seeing "Weiner" is like watching a slow moving train wreck. You know what is going to happen, but you watch it anyway to see how it happens. This film definitely falls into the category of "truth is stranger than fiction." It's hard to imagine another personality in recent history that is so unfiltered and self-absorbed in his quest for higher office, with the exception of a fellow named, Donald Trump. This is not just a film about Anthony Weiner, but a critique at how the mainstream media values style and sensationalism over substance. This is evidenced in a sequence that occurs toward the end of the film that must be seen to be believed. In short, "Weiner" is a fascinating character-study and must be considered an early awards favorite.

  • Defining Acts


    It's so easy to judge Anthony Weiner from reading text on social media, in the newspaper, and / or the news shows on TV. "Weiner" is a great documentary film and as others have written, riveting. I was fixated the entire 90 minutes; all the time asking myself, "Why would he let them document this?", all the while cringing for his wife, Huma Abedin. Where is the line drawn between loyalty and abuse? Although Huma is very clear on where she will and won't participate in the documentary, you wonder where and when does her loyalty to her husband become nothing more than emotional abuse? There are two types of obscene behavior, the indecent kind that brought Anthony Weiner down, and the disgusting kind that has little disregard for the rights of others. The documentary exposes the latter in a defining rarity: With only 4 - 5 % of the vote and dead last, the media chases Weiner all around like dogs in heat trying to squeeze every last tidbit out of the story. Who are we to judge? When we become persistent observers of misery or scandal...fascinated with the distressing sordid scandalous events of others, are we engaging in voyeurism? If you see the movie, please let me hear back from you.

  • This is outstanding


    "The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of." Blaise Pascal "Man, you're all full of **** anyway." Passerby on street "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh Heheheheheheh Weiner..." Beavis & Butt-head (probably) I feel like these three quotes kind of sum up a lot of what this movie, Weiner, a documentary that chronicles as a harrowing, cringe-inducing tragedy of politician Anthony Weiner's failed bid for the 2013 Mayoral race in New York city, is going for, but only part of it. You can look at what the filmmakers present from different angles - as a portrait of a media that, due to how it operates (especially in New York city with the Daily News and Post and everything under the sun) in reporting the 'news' of this or that or the other with Weiner's sexting as "Carlos Danger", and how this media obsession perpetuates things further and further (technology itself is part of it - imagine what would've happened if things were only 10 or 15 years before this), or of course as a portrait of a man and his marriage which we see glimpses of in quiet looks and stares and things that the (mostly) fly-on-the-wall filmmakers get. What you think about Weiner ahead of time may influence you going in. Or if you don't know much about him outside of the Daily Show and Colbert Report skits it may be educational in that way of recent/contemporary history. I think that the movie is fair in that it shows ALL the coverage - both the bytes in the various cable news coverage and things like Weiner's appearance on Lawrence O'Donnell where he was asked point blank "What's *wrong* with you?" - while showing Weiner in both the (semi good) early run-up when he started his campaign and, indeed, had a lead to start with, and then as he kept his composure much as he could while the second scandal blew up and wouldn't go away. Could it have gone away? No, probably (or definitely) not, and the question of should or shouldn't he have dropped out of the race comes to mind. But the coverage of it all in this film is uncanny. At times you'll wonder how they got a camera in such a place, or how, up until the moment the filmmakers are told to get out of a room, they stay there until told to leave (or on the flip-side the very funny moment when in a car the director happens to ask a particular touchy question and Weiner can't help but go off on the guy, like "Is THIS what you mean by 'fly on the wall?') A lot of the humor that does come up is in that pitch-black, uncomfortable way that goes far beyond anything you'd ever see on Louie or Curb Your Enthusiasm. And the cringing isn't always funny - sometimes it comes down to the look two people have with nothing being said out loud and everything being said in the eyes. One of the things that is hard to not come away with, whether by the end you feel some modicum of sympathy (or, hell, even empathy if that's possible) with Weiner from this period of time, is that he's not your average politician or, I should say, one that is the usual type we might think of as a politician. Usually they come off as stiff, bought and paid for or at the least handled to such a degree as to seem inhuman, or try to come off as "wholesome" and yet say the most monstrous things. Weiner was/is a liberal, but you get someone who can talk in reasoned tones except when, well, things p*** him off (his entree into the spotlight came in his time as Congressman when he exclaimed "I will NOT yield" during a debate on a 9/11 responders bill), or when he is confronted by someone. We see him not back down from people, whether it's hard questions at a City Island campaign stop or a heckler in a deli. The guy is tough, and yet there's also a self-deprecating humor at times. And he'll even watch things like the O'Donnell clip - extended version online, of course - just to get motivated to start his day. What a pair of... oh, nevermind. And yet at the same time what I love about the movie is that it shows that he can't escape, and really liked to be a part of, the whole 'game' of it, the act. When he does an ad for TV it feels like he's acting for the camera, and seeing the footage from this ad in its finished form intercut with his wife sitting by the side looking a mixture of bored and (maybe) frustrated is astonishing. It's difficult not to leave the movie with some judgment of him, and at the same time the trick of this is that it presents him in (as much as possible) the full, er, 'package' (sorry, puns are unavoidable, I tried). The point is if you like to see the nitty gritty political maneuvering and how a mind works in the midst of a scandal, this is a serious delight (both serious and delightful). PS: Recently Weiner's retracted how he feels in the documentary and wishes he hadn't made the movie and won't watch it. The latter is fair, while the former is... well, who knows.

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