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American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017)

American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017)

Jessica CameronJim Van BebberGene PalubickiDavid E. McMahon
Stephen Biro


American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017) is a English movie. Stephen Biro has directed this movie. Jessica Cameron,Jim Van Bebber,Gene Palubicki,David E. McMahon are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Mary witnesses the brutal suicide of her Father. His death unleashes the savage forces of demonic possession in his daughter. The End of Days is upon the world, famine, drought, looting and chaos is ripping the world apart and the Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed but what is the Holy Church actually doing? The City on Seven Hills is working on the Second Coming of Christ but before He comes back - the Antichrist must rule for seven years. The Song of Solomon's true nature is to unleash an evil the world has been waiting for since the beginning of time.

American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017) Reviews

  • A New Direction for the Series, Still Delivering the Goods!


    The Guinea Pig films were a series of pictures that spanned across the mid 80s into the early 90s that gained infamous attention and notoriety for being some of the most graphic and extreme films to come out of the Japanese underground at the time. The series quickly gained a cult following, and with it came controversy, criminal investigation, and ultimately legal banishment. It is now illegal to produce films in Japan under the Guinea Pig title. This is where the American Guinea Pig series comes in. Stephan Biro, the man responsible for giving the Guinea Pig films there first and only official home video release in the United States also gained the rights to the Guinea Pig name, and in 2014 started the American Guinea Pig series with his release of Bouquet of Guts and Gore. A pseudo snuff film that connects the original Guinea Pig series with its now American counterpart. The most infamous film from the original Guinea Pig series, Flower of Flesh and Blood, was said to be inspired by a genuine snuff film that director Hideshi Hino had received in the mail years before. Biro's Bouquet is supposed to be that very film that Hino received in the mail, making the American series a kind of prequel to the original Japanese films. This connection and homage to the original series has been a running theme with nearly every American Guinea Pig release. As just mentioned, American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore shares connections with Flower of Flesh and Blood. American Guinea Pig: Bloodshock nods its head to the original Guinea Pig classic, The Devil's Experiment. American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice shares uncanny similarities to the original Guinea Pig film, He Never Dies. The Song of Solomon on the other is the first film in the series to deviate from this attachment to the films of yesteryear. This is the first time in the American Guinea Pig series that a release came out that did not hold some kind of correlation with the original series. Nonetheless, this is one of the best films to come out of the series thus far. As with much of the original Guinea Pig films, narrative comes secondary to the exhibition of graphic violence and gore. The first two films to come out of the original Japanese series held virtually no plot at all. The American series followed this model with the releases of Bouquet and Sacrifice. All of these pictures centered their focus on graphic presentations of violence, only holding enough plot to bring us to scenes of grotesque displays of the macabre. That does not mean that every film out of the Guinea Pig series were all void of plot. The original Guinea Pig film, Mermaid in a Manhole, is a prime example of superb story telling. The American Guinea Pig series' first attempt at a traditional narrative structure, with its release of Bloodshock, was a good endeavor, but ultimately a weak execution. Poor acting and debatable directorial choices resulted in a film that was often funny when it was trying to be serious, and ultimately did not pack the punch it was so desperately winding up for. Fortunately, the same cannot be said for The Song of Solomon. Whatever was in the way during their first attempt is behind them now, and The Song of Solomon packs a strong enough punch to leave you eating the rest of your meals through a straw. The acting in this picture is significantly better. An though at times the dialog feels a little forced, the lead actors are clearly professionals and know how to make it work. There are some weaker performances in this film, most notably by the actress who plays the mother, along with whoever plays the doctor, but that is to be expected with any low budget indie project. Additionally, Solomon sets a tone and atmosphere that Bloodshock was so desperately trying to pull off, but couldn't. With these to factors, Solomon is able to dilute the few occasions bad acting or weak points in the film, making these flaws easily dismissible, and allowing the film's narrative to roll forward with little distraction. Resulting in an over all powerful and interesting picture. In regards to the violence, and lets face it, that is why you are watching an American Guinea Pig film, Solomon delivers. This is likely to be the most gruesome and graphic exorcist film that you will ever see. That is to be expected considering Oddtopsy FX (Bouquet of Guts and Gore) and Toe Tag Pictures (August Underground trilogy) were behind the special effects for this picture. All in all, you may feel like the exorcist genre is a tired and played out theme, and that very well may be true, but if you are ready to put that genre to rest I recommend going out with a bang with this one. If you are a fan of underground horror and extreme gore, this is one to set your eyes on.

  • One Amazing film , best possession film in years


    Stephen Biro did an amazing job on this he did a study on exorcism from what im told. He really dove into this with the intention to really do it right, i can truely say its an amazing job ! I was very surprised to see what he did on his budget , makes you wonder what he can do for a Hollywood budget haha. Imagine if you draw a line in the sand as to what you can do in a possession film ..well Steven crossed all those lines with this one. Also Jim Van bebber did a hell of a job as always,love that guy. I felt going in what with all the possession movies he cant do a fresh film. Well he proved that thought wrong. 7 stars ! This and the other AGP series are pretty solid exteme Horror films. Cheers & kudos to one and all involved .

  • Exreme Horror or a joke


    Don't even know how to begin this review of American Guinea Pig Song of Solomon. The lead actress did an admirable job, but ultimately can't carry a horrible movie. Cobbled together from 5 or 6 other films and would have been better served claiming to be a spoof rather than extreme horror. The 13 Hangman were all laughing hysterically by less than 2 min. in. The suicide of the father was directly from the Jim Carrey school of overacting. And so ridiculous, you have to laugh. Then march in the wooden, stiff priests, one after another, seeming to read lines from cue cards. Nothing original. Scenes stole from The Exorcist, City of the Dead, Street Trash, The Manitou and even a complete line stolen from The Omen 2. Touted as 100% real exorcism while ignoring the fact that a real priests first rule is not to engage the demon, even as far as the very stiff War Priest, upon entering asked the possessed, if you don't mind, where did they leave off, referring to the exorcism. Oh my god, Really? This is Riff Trax fodder. The special FX are spotty. Some ok, and some again laughable. The vomit scene was hilarious and no where near the quality of Fulci City of the Dead. The Birthing scene was again laughable, as the the broken skin flops around rubbery and the baby, which was clawing to get out, (ala the Manitou) is so obviously a rubber doll, is worse than anything ever seen. Camera work is shakey, even in a stopped car, lighting is horrible. You have to feel bad for the lead actress to carry on in this travesty. Ultimately the only thing missing would have been Leslie Nielsen as a priest. Final vote from the 13 Hangman 9 votes worst movie ever. 3 votes just plain bad 1 vote meh it was ok We did it all for you (SOH)

  • To far fetched


    Very disappointed it's to far fetched &so far away from a proper exorcism it's unreal!! To much holly wood & not enough realism. very dissapointed with this movie

  • Some good gore, nothing else going for it.


    I think my biggest issue with this movie is that it tries way too hard to be serious, but none of the acting is good enough to be taken even remotely seriously. If it had even taken a couple brief moments to make a light joke here and there, so we know not to take it so serious, it could've helped it a tad. The bad actors overacting resulted in a lot of unintentional comedy. The fact we did not see the possessed girl before the possession, in an innocent state, also lessened the effect in my opinion. Not like I wanted this film to be any longer than it already was, but I felt like I kept getting introduced to more and more new characters that I just didn't care about or know enough about to care, when I didn't even know anything about the lead girl in the first place. That makes for a pretty big chore to sit through this one. But I don't believe they were concerned much with character development anyway, they were much more concerned with the splatter. Which is totally fine! I love gore flicks. There are a few fine displays of effect work in this film. The finale was rather impressive in that aspect. But when there's nothing else going for it, and the film just isn't good enough to believable, I feel the impact of the gore is also lessened. With some better actors, maybe this movie would have succeeded for me. But as is, it should've known to keep it's tongue firmly in cheek so the viewer could've had a more enjoyable time with it.

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