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Daddy's Deadly Darling (1973)

Toni LawrenceJesse VintCatherine RossPaul Hickey
Marc Lawrence


Daddy's Deadly Darling (1973) is a English movie. Marc Lawrence has directed this movie. Toni Lawrence,Jesse Vint,Catherine Ross,Paul Hickey are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1973. Daddy's Deadly Darling (1973) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Lynn Hart is a disturbed young woman who escapes from a mental hospital where she was committed for killing her abusive father who raped her. Stealing a nurse's uniform and car, Lynn ends up in a small California town where she meets and shacks up with Zambrini, an old farmer who runs the local motel and roadside café. Zambrini also owns a group of pigs that he keeps in a pen behind his house who have somehow developed a taste for human flesh. When Lynn begins killing a number of men who remind her of her dead father, Zambrini helps her out by disposing of the bodies to the pigs. Investigating the disappearances, the local sheriff eventually becomes suspicious of Lynn's past and a private investigator, hired by the hospital to find her, slowly close in on Lynn.

Daddy's Deadly Darling (1973) Reviews

  • Daddy's Deadly Darling


    This film has many titles. Among them are "Pigs" "Daddy's Deadly Darling" and "The Strange Exorcism Of Lynn Hart". It was meant to be a star vehicle for the director, Marc Lawrence's daughter Toni Lawrence (if only she could act!) but turned out to be one of the only movies she ever made. It is filmed in the style of a "Last House on the Left" or "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" that grainy style of film making that always gives the viewer that "not so fresh" feeling. An often overlooked cult classic in it's own right "Pigs" is worth a one-time viewing for die hard horror fans but viewers beware the version currently in circulation that is being distributed by Troma is actually a censored version of the film (why anyone would care to bother censoring a film with so much of NOTHING in it is beyond me) it is missing a few key scenes (such as a scene where a victims hand is fed to the pigs) and is disappointingly void of extras (I would LOVE to hear how Marc Lawrence feels about this film nowadays or at least see the theatrical trailer for this sleaze fest).

  • A truly bizarre stuff!


    Lynn(Toni Lawrence-the daughter of Marc Lawrence)stabbed her father to death after he raped her.She believes that her daddy is still alive.She escapes from the asylum-stealing a car she flees into backwoods America,ending up at Zambrini's roadside diner.Zambrini(Marc Lawrence) has twelve pigs-he butchers people to feed his animals!"Daddy's Deadly Darling"/"Pigs" is another overlooked classic from early 70's.The script is wonderfully bizarre,the acting is pretty good and there is a bit of gore.The photography is grainy,even ugly looking at times-the film actually reminds me "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre","Last House on the Left" or "Eaten Alive".Some scenes are pretty creepy,so if you like horror movies give this little gem a look!

  • Fun Little Film


    Good Times! Marc Lawrence makes another memorable character in the old, crotchety Zambrini - an ex-circus performer who supposedly came back from the dead after a tragic high-dive. Well, now he owns and operates a little cafe in the middle of nowheresville and feeds his pigs dead humans after midnight. As luck would have it, his newest employee of the cafe is a runaway psychotic from an insane asylum who likes to cut up men who come on to strong to her. She is really the film's main character and, as it turns out, Daddy's Deadly Darling is actually Marc Lawrence's deadly daughter in real life. Seems that he wanted to jump start his daughter's career so he gave her the lead. Well, unfortunately, she doesn't carry nearly enough quirkiness or depth to bring that character to life, unlike her father, who is a real gem to watch. As a director, Mr. Lawrence had some good ideas to make some creepy, uneasy scenes to watch, but the version I watched (called PIGS) was very choppy and sloppy from an editing standpoint and the camera seems to enjoy shooting things in pitch black darkness. That's low-budget for you, but there's still something charming about this otherwise standard '70s exploitation fare. And any movie that has Marc Lawrence in it is, by default, going to have something going for it.

  • "One little girl as deadly as can be."


    Possible minor spoilers. This incredibly odd little picture (which I saw as Pigs) almost defies description. Mark Lawrence made the film as a vehicle for his daughter, Toni, with Jesse Vint appearing as a favor. Toni is Lynn Webster (referred to at the end, for some unexplained reason, as Lynn Hart), whose history of madness and patricide is relayed in less than five minutes. This loopy Linda Lovelace-lookalike then escapes the nut barn in a stolen Volkswagen and nurse's uniform. She ends up at a middle-of-nowhere cafe, working for Zambrini (Marc), who robs graves and feeds the corpses to his bloodthirsty pigs. When our busty, batty heroine is reminded of abusive rapist Daddy, she grabs the nearest sharp object and starts hacking. Zambrini and his pigs cover for her. The sheriff (Vint) mostly stands around looking puzzled. Pigs is an absolute wonder to behold--jerky editing, leering camerawork, pointless characters, a funky soundtrack ("Somebody's waitin' for you/Somewhere down the road/Keep on drivin'...") that starts and stops of its own accord, an obvious double for Toni at the end...and somehow it all works brilliantly! It's like some bizarre hallucination from the brain of the disturbed heroine. Pigs squeal like rusty vaults being forced open, Lynn go-gos next to the jukebox, old women look scared--doesn't matter why. The acid-trip plot and cheap, over-saturated color give it a kind of creepy-beautiful tone reminiscent of an underground art film, with a perfect atmosphere of backwoods isolation. The Lawrences are terrific, particularly the appealing Toni, and the supporting players are quite convincing. The music makes me wish for a soundtrack LP. If a film ever had Cult Classic stamped all over it, it's this one.

  • Pretty good for a drive-in flick


    This movie is often marketed under the title "Pigs!", but that's actually pretty misleading. Granted, there are in fact some pigs involved in this project, but if you want to see crazed hogs rampaging and eating people and whatnot, look somewhere else. I have no idea where, but definitely somewhere else. Instead, this movie focuses on a strangely attractive young woman who seduces men and then kills them. And then she feeds the victims to a bunch of local pigs, mainly to justify the alternative title. It's a pretty thin plot, but the surprisingly decent acting and the sheer brutality of it all manage to keep the show on the road. Also comes with a really weird lullaby soundtrack that's difficult to get out of your head.

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