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Little Red Riding Hood (2016)

Little Red Riding Hood (2016)

Iren LevyNicole StarkRobert AmstlerAlanna Forte
Rene Perez


Little Red Riding Hood (2016) is a English movie. Rene Perez has directed this movie. Iren Levy,Nicole Stark,Robert Amstler,Alanna Forte are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Little Red Riding Hood (2016) is considered one of the best Fantasy,Horror movie in India and around the world.

A Brother Grimm's Horror Version of the Classic Fairytale.

Little Red Riding Hood (2016) Reviews

  • For fans of bad cinema only


    So the movie has a woman in red riding hood, trying to take medicine to her grandma. And there's a guy in a werewolf costume, which I guess is like a Big Bad Wolf. So in that, I guess the film is faithful to the original Grimm Brother's fairy tale it says it's based on. The bits about a seductive laundress, an evil leader monster with a crown of fingers, some eyeless monster, magical force fields, and a rocking estate in the forests of modern day California digress a bit from the source material. Here's the thing though, it's all so bad and incoherent it's fun. There are flashbacks to scenes we saw less than 15 minutes earlier. And those flashbacks repeat some shots for a second time. There's sound effects recycled from the director's earlier film "The Dead the Damned and the Darkness" (also recommended for fans of bad horror films). The CGI had me praying for a software watermark to complete the cheesiness. But the cast seems to really give it their all. The costumes exist in a weird limbo between "off the shelf from a Halloween store" and "actually quite good". And the locations threaten to steal every scene they're in (but you can blame that partly on my love for medieval style castles and modern medieval-themed mansions). There's so much more I want to tell you, but I have to let you discover some things on your own. Does Red Riding Hood get the medicine to her mother? Are breast implants used by monsters in the 14th century? Will the Power Rangers come looking for their foam-rubber sword being wielded by the knight? Does the film tack on an unexplained sub-plot about a girl in the modern day at a different location in order to pad the run time after the director realized he needed another 20 minutes or so? And why is the knight's voice so manly? So many mysteries! I wouldn't recommend watching this by yourself, but only because this kind of comedy is better shared. I also wouldn't recommend it for kids, or people who take bad cinema seriously (as a wise man once said "repeat to yourself, 'it's just a show. I should really just relax'."), and there's a brief scene of "light" sexual assault that may be too much for some*. But if you've got some friends, some pizza, and a suitable amount of brain damage (or brain damaging substances), then give it a go. Recommended for: fans of "Birdemic 1" ("before James Nguyen sold out"), fans of Rene Perez' other films, movie hecklers, and fans of the theatrical release of "Hercules in New York". (*all joking aside, I only mention this because I don't want someone thinking this will be fun based on my review, and then they have an emotional trigger set off. If you're on the fence, the scene is meant less as a drawn out exercise in horror-drama and (I'm pretty sure) more as a weak excuse to show a boob.)

  • Terrible!


    Absolutely ridiculous film, please do not give up your day job (whatever that is) cos it certainly isn't making decent films. The whole story made no sense whatsoever. Please do more homework before even thinking of making or even writing another screenplay. I was hoping the film would be a true horror as claimed in the description I didn't realise that horror and absolute garbage went together. I think you need to go back to college or university and restudy how to make a good film. It wasn't just the ending that ruined the film was almost every scene, I think whoever allowed you to release such an atrocity needs to be fired on the spot. This is not good film making, I've never heard of the director before and none of my friends have either not even the ones in America and I can now see why. The monsters you could tell were a mixture of make up Halloween costumes and a bit if cgi. I didn't find it believable, I couldn't feel anything for the characters when they were in danger. And I'm not even sure what your point was in the whole film.I think if I was to watch this at home on a Friday night because I was in the mood for a horror, well I'd be sadly mistaken and very disappointed.If anyone is going to recreate a children's story and have a bit of a horror twist to it then the least it should do is make you pee a little from fear. What's next the three little pigs who live off smaller animals.?Hardly scary really is it.?

  • So entertainingly bad!


    -Little Red Riding Hood (2015) "movie" review: -So not-really-Little Red Riding Hoodish is evidently another adaptation of, wait, you'll never guess! Little Red Riding Hood. Only this one looks like is has the quality of a student project. A high school student project. No, I was in a high school film project, and it was better than this. I am NOT exaggerating. -I am going to go ahead and point out how much fun I had hating this film! Again, no joke. -The "film" didn't really have a story. It was also part modern, I guess, but never explained anything. It did not follow the story, things just happened because they happened, and you never really know what is happening. And then suddenly, 50 million shots of weird mud-ish people in a castle! The editing was one of the worst things about this ever. Actually it was the worst editing I have ever seen. Yup. -The pace was sooooooo slow because NOTHING HAPPENED!!!! EVER. The shots of the mud-ish people were just walking around. NOTHING HAPPENS!!!! -The acting makes Disney Channel look like the Oscars. Including people who can't read lines, people who can't run, people who can't emote, wolf masks, mud people walking, a 'modern person' who makes Megan Fox's acting look sharp, and lots. And lots. AND LOTS. Of really really horrible voice-overs. Literally worse than The Room. -The characters. There is not enough sustenance in this "movie" to even look at any sort of character development. -The music is tediously bad and the same two pieces over-and-over again! -The effects are laughable. At least the two stupid Vs. movies I reviewed had effects to show off, this one had really bad prosthetics and masks. -Hey, at least the poster looked cool! Doesn't matter. Not in the film. -Also I did not pay attention to the rating or content. I apologize. I think its fine, but I don't remember. I was too busy facepalming. -In conclusion, I laughed my way through how bad Little Red Riding Hood was. Therefore: Little Red Riding Hood isÂ…. So bad, it's good! In fact it is probably one of the worst films I have even seen. I'm not joking. -So did you see Not-so-little Red Riding Hood-ish walks around? You should! It's a blast!

  • So Bad I Sort Of Enjoyed It!


    This is the sort of film you see randomly playing at the dingy flat where you find yourself severely inebriated in the early hours of the morning after a very strange night out. Mainly a silent movie, probably due to budget restraints only allowing the occasional atrociously overdubbed dialogue scene, the main focus of the action involves several characters and badly made-up monsters wandering around a castle aimlessly. There is an attempt at some semblance of a 'story', but don't worry too much about that as the true entertainment factor of this movie is the ridiculously bad acting and nonsense, just nonsense! This is one of those films where you think "they must have been on acid when they made this" because you'd have to be completely out of your head to make something so utterly rubbish!

  • What was that


    I could attempt to write a long winded review. However, in theses busy times I will keep this review succinct. You know when your driving along and you see animal that's been hit by a Mack Truck. You can't help but look at it muttering under your breath "what on earth was that". Well, that pretty much sums up this movie. The Costumes are horrendous the special effects look like they came from a store room that's been locked up since 1985. Actually, this movie is so bad its almost ingenious. The story line is convoluted and makes no real sense. This is sure to become a cult classic someday, somewhere. This, parents is the dangers when you give your kids a digicam and adobe after effects.

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