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Me, Myself & Irene (2000)

Me, Myself & Irene (2000)

Jim CarreyRenée ZellwegerAnthony AndersonMongo Brownlee
Bobby Farrelly,Peter Farrelly


Me, Myself & Irene (2000) is a English,German movie. Bobby Farrelly,Peter Farrelly has directed this movie. Jim Carrey,Renée Zellweger,Anthony Anderson,Mongo Brownlee are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Me, Myself & Irene (2000) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Charlie Baileygates (Jim Carrey) is a Rhode Island state trooper with multiple personalities. He is otherwise mild-mannered and non-confrontational until somebody or something pushes him a little too far. That's when his maniacal alter-ego, Hank, takes over. Charlie is assigned on a routine mission to return alleged fugitive Irene Waters (Renée Zellweger) back to upstate New York, but they wind up on the run from corrupt Police Officers. And their escape would be a lot simpler on everybody involved if Hank didn't keep stepping in at the most inopportune times.

Me, Myself & Irene (2000) Reviews

  • I laughed my arse off


    Glancing over some of the other reviews of Me, Myself and Irene that crop up on this page, it seems loads of people absolutely hate this movie. If anything, the majority of negative comments appear to be coming from people quick to dismiss it as a dumb piece of un-PC gross out comedy, which is completely missing the point. This is a Farrelly Brothers film with Jim Carrey in the lead role, what were they expecting? Citizen Kane redux? I myself have a masters degree in Film Studies and while I like to sit around, stroking my beard (or failing that, somebody else's), watching Almodovar films and saying "fascinating" at regularly timed intervals, I also like to laugh. And Me, Myself and Irene is one of the most gut bustingly funny films I've watched in months. The story concentrates on a Rhode Island police officer named Charlie Bailey-Gates (Carrey), a downtrodden member of the community who everyone else in the town regularly takes advantage of and who hasn't been the same since his wife left him for a midget limo driver. One day though things get a bit too much and Charlie snaps, goes mad and ends up driving a car into the front window of the town barber shop and defecating on his neighbour's lawn. One trip to therapy later and it transpires that all his bottled up rage has manifested itself as a split personality called Hank and he has to keep taking pills to keep him sedated. Shortly after this happens, he meets a down on her luck woman called Irene (Renee Zellweger) who is in serious trouble with the law and events conspire to send the duo on a wild cross country journey to clear their names of murder. To say this lends itself to some painfully low brow humour would be an understatement and whether or not you will enjoy the movie rests largely on what your reaction to the phrase "Jim Carrey being hit with nun-chucks by an angry black midget" is. For those of you who prefer his more gentle approach in The Truman Show or Man on the Moon then this is not the film for you. If however, you howled with laughter watching Dumb & Dumber as I did, then this should be right up your street. Carrey, fresh off playing more restrained roles in the previously mentioned films looks to be having a total riot letting himself loose and his rubbery faced contortions are hilarious. Watching him wrestling with a cow, beating himself up and getting drop kicked down a hill is an absolute blast, the man is king of physical comedy. Throw in some very, very funny scenarios involving rubber dildos, albino waiters who may secretly be serial murderers and tarantulas and you have a highly entertaining turn. Its not all about Carrey though and some of the best moments come from his three sons. Charlie it seems was too happy to be married to be concerned when his wife gave birth to three black triplets and ended up raising the boys as his own, so when the storyline properly kicks off he has a trio of bickering homeboys for kids who all happen to be geniuses. The dialogue between the three provides some of the highlights of the film, especially during the scene where the boys steal a police helicopter. It also leads to the immortal line "no bitches after eleven." So before you all start complaining about this being crude, offensive, low brow trash and how we should all be watching Aguirre: Wrath of God or The Seventh Seal to really get the best out of cinema, consider this: not all movies have to be po-faced musings on the fates of man. Sometimes, all you really want is crude, offensive, low brow trash and this one was so hilarious, I had to stop the DVD three times because I was laughing so much I kept missing half the jokes.

  • Surprisingly hilarious


    Back when I first saw the commercials for this movie, I thought it looked pretty stupid. One day, I was at the video rental place and I decided to rent this because I like most of the Farrely brothers movies, and I also think Jim Carrey is hilarious. What I got was a big surprise, a hilarious movie that looks dumb on the surface, but really makes you laugh out loud. In the movie, Jim Carrey plays a man with a split personality named Hank. Hank is violent, but has some funny ideas and does some really weird things. I don't want to spoil anything, because the comedy of this movie should never be spoiled for anyone. There are some good actors in this movie that help keep the movie from becoming stupid. The advertisements did the film no justice, but you should see this anyway because it is exceptionally funny.

  • Me Laughing, Myself Laughing and Irene's Cute


    'Me, Myself and Irene' is one of the few comedies that have a strong repeat value as it always made me laugh every time I rewatched it. Sure it has its share of crude humour. After all, it is a Farelly Brothers movie but none of it bothered me (as was the case with 'There's Something About Mary'. I just love the whole wackiness of it, the adventurous feel, the landscapes, the comic timing, the story, the lively soundtrack...all of it combined brings a freshness. Jim Carrey is in his hilarious comic form. He and Zellweger form a great pair (of course it's also known that they were dating during the film production) and have a brilliant chemistry. Zellweger is cute and vivacious. It was quite fun to watch Chris Cooper play the villain. the rest of the cast (which is a lot) contribute well. 'Me, Myself and Irene' is one of my favorite comedies, simply because it hasn't lost its repeat value and gets me laughing out loud.

  • It's hilarious !


    Funniest movie I have seen in a long time, wish I had seen it much earlier. I thought I had grown tired of Jim Carrey movies. He seemed like the same character in just about every film. True enough, I can still see elements of the same kind of character in this film, but I think the story is a good one. Renee Zellwegger is lovely and sexy. There were so many funny moments in this movie, from when Jim Carrey nurses on the lovely young mother to the very end when the three boys leave us with "Thank you for watching our **** movie!" I actually got all of my friends to watch this movie with me because I was so excited about it and it's already almost 7 years old. Who knew? I guess that just goes to show that you can't judge an actor or a movie until you've seen it.

  • Jim Carrey and the Farrely doing what they do best.


    There is probably no other movie coming out this summer that will produce more from the gut laughs than Me, Myself & Irene. Sure it's crude, sure it's vulgar and juvenile at times, but sometimes we just have to take ourselves back to when we were younger and used to laugh at things that we would otherwise find rather disgusting. The main treat is to watch Carrey transform from the sweet natured Charlie to the vulgar, Dirty Harry sounding Hank. Hank does things that not many people would even dream of, and it's a kick to see him get away with some of them. Equally funny are Charlie's three sons, who are highly intelligent, love their dad and use a certain phrase to great effect. Some may find this movie offensive and occasionally funny at times, but I found it enjoyable from beginning to end. A good way to blow off steam from a bad day.

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