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Paper Year (2018)

Paper Year (2018)

Andie MacDowellAvan JogiaEve HewsonHamish Linklater
Rebecca Addelman


Paper Year (2018) is a English movie. Rebecca Addelman has directed this movie. Andie MacDowell,Avan Jogia,Eve Hewson,Hamish Linklater are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Paper Year (2018) is considered one of the best Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Young newlyweds encounter a series of challenges during the first year of their marriage.

Paper Year (2018) Reviews

  • An uncomfortable film for those with uncertain paths


    This is a film that wants you to take a deep breath, that wants you to get context before you take the plunge into its depths, which though admirable, hasn't been executed to its fullest potential, and yet it has a heart. The actors do their job, and at some point you get past their insane hotness, which is complimentary, of course. The story revolves around an impulsive (maybe slightly drunk?) wedding and its implications for a very young couple, who haven't yet rooted themselves in terms of what they want from life. The film gets into the rut of a possibly accurate on an average, but an over used male stereotype, that of a lazy ass, porn-watching, XBOX playing deadbeat young husband, but the catch here is, he's insanely attractive and kinda sweet, which helps. The glossy young couple were maybe meant to begin that way, maybe we were supposed to look through the eyes of an outsider, to whom everything would look glossy, but impractical. An unlikely, but possible theory. But anyway, the movie doesn't remain template driven for very long and soon gets it's own if not full bodied, at least a decent upper half. Any movie that makes me uncomfortable, puts me in a different frame of mind than what I walked in with, is worthy of watching, so go ahead, it's a decent attempt at the fallacy of impulsive decisions leading to happy endings, but with a hot cast.

  • Depressing....


    I gave it a 7, my feeling was to give it a 5, not because the acting was bad, not because the directing was bad, on the contrary, acting, directing was good, but because, having been in 2 marriages which ended, first one after 22 months due to her indiscretion and the second one lasted 21 years and again, due to her indiscretion with a work colleagues, ended. So... If you are newly married or contemplating marriage, then watch this and LEARN! This movie is about a lesson in fidelity or infidelity, of seriously knowing exactly what both parties want out of life. If you have split, then don't watch it because all it will do is remind you of the hurt, the disappointment, the sadness of an ending.

  • Oh, and....


    Having Andie MacDowell as a "star" in this is misleading since she only appears for about 5 minutes once near the start and once nearer the end... Which was a disappointment for me as I expected her to have equal screen time as the young actors, more involved. Could have cast ANY actor for the part of the Mum for all the acting that was involved. Definitely not a feel good movie. It is NOT a RomCom as another review noted. Again, also as other review suggested, any young people contemplating marriage must watch this as a warning.

  • Good Story with good production value


    This is a good addition to the romantic comedy genre though the movie is less of a comedy movie. Its a story between a young couple and the happenings in the first year of marriage. Anyone young thinking about getting into a relationship should watch this movie as this movie serves as a good cautionary. The actors do justice to the script and make the movie interesting and entertaining. The director has an interesting point of view which makes the movie a worthy watch.

  • Excellent Movie


    Going in thought that it would be a typical rom-com with a dumb ending. But it explores the relationship of a young couple who dive into marriage impulsively without much thought put into it. The movie has light and dark moments and its entertaining as well with a apt ending. Both the leads give commendable performances and its an intelligent movie worth seeing

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