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Permanent (2017)

Permanent (2017)

Alexis LeggettKaleigh Jo KellerKira McLeanPatricia Arquette
Colette Burson


Permanent (2017) is a English movie. Colette Burson has directed this movie. Alexis Leggett,Kaleigh Jo Keller,Kira McLean,Patricia Arquette are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Permanent (2017) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

It's 1982, and the Dicksons (Jim, Jeanne, and Aurelie) move (are the new-comers) to a southern town where all the girls long for Farrah Fawcett-type curls (to match their back-woods accents/ and love to talk hair./ and obsess over their hair.) Pre-teen AURELIE begs her parents for a permanent, (known outside the south as a perm) hoping for life-changing curly waves but when they take her to a Beauty School instead of a salon to save money, disaster ensues. A bored Student-Beautician accidentally sets the timer for too long, and the perm ends up destroying Aurelie's already low-grade social life as well as her hair follicles. Aurelie is left as a gawky yet endearing young teenager trying to navigate junior high with what some kids call an afro, then throw things at her, from epithets to dodgeballs.

Permanent (2017) Reviews

  • A family values movie that isn't schlocky


    I like movies with strong ethical centers but I hate movies that are predictable or patronizing. I am so delighted when I find a movie about a family with positive attributes but is also genuinely funny and original. This movie is all that! It deals with some heavy issues but isn't ponderous.

  • cute family movie laughed many times


    I had the pleasure of seeing this movie at the VA film festival and was so pleasantly surprised at how funny, light heart-ed, and family friendly (13 and up) it was. I understand why more females are rating this movie higher, because I could not see my husband and his buddies relating to it. (no guns,explosions or man man stuff) But if you want to see a smart,feel good, laugh out loud, and have a good time movie this is it. I laughed so much, I totally had, that hair at that age. I am going with my two daughters to see Permanent when opens in LA, I think it is going to be a great fun girls night out. I love Patricia Arquette in this movie and Rainn Wilson completely broke out of his "Dwight role" I can not believe he was funnier than expected. Kira McLean was such a great little actress, really funny and held her own with such large names working on this film, I look forward to seeing more from her.

  • quirky, fresh comedy with depth


    This is the type of film that may fly under the radar, but with the right distribution and support, could be a breakout hit. Looking at a summary of the plot, may be easy to dismiss as "teenage girl coming of age story" or "teen comedy with a heart" and thus not get the attention it deserves. But it is in fact a very closely observed, detailed and fresh examination of a family using the idea of hair styles and how they shape a person's public persona and inner self-esteem. The film is filled with unexpected twists and created a nuanced, at times hysterical, portrait of a small southern town. Fantastic performances. Though very funny, there is also a poignancy to it which never becomes sentimental or easy. Really hope this finds a mass audience, for if it does, it will be a hit.

  • Lots of Laughs and Great


    I saw this movie at the Virginia Film Festival and absolutely loved it. I normally don't go watch a lot of comedies because I tend to think many of them are just too silly and unbelievable but this movie made me (and everyone else in the theater) laugh a lot. Rainn Wilson did an outstanding performance as the father as did Patricia Arquette as the mother. This movie brought back so many memories of life in the early eighties when things were much simpler and was full of laughs while still being totally believable. There was so much attention to detail I felt like I had been transported back in time. It was great seeing the awful clothes we wore, the tacky, awful household decor and the BAD HAIR! The movie kept moving and kept me constantly entertained. Permanent would make a great TV series. If it comes out in theaters in my area I will probably go see it again. It doesn't disappoint.

  • I'm 14 all over again!


    Arquette's hilarious performance leads a cast of unknowns (except Wilson) through 1982, small-town Virginia. The writing is spot on and the characters (many local, untrained actors) are as believable as can be. Nena Daniels, a local, steals every scene she's in. This is not a typical 80s, Hollywood, high school angst movie. There is nothing Hollywood about it and school life is only half the story. The other half is family - your family - no matter how quirky, weird or embarrassing they may be. If you went to middle school or high school during this period - like me - absolutely everything in this film will strike a chord. You will watch it and say, "I knew a kid like that! I had a teacher like that! My parents, my weird neighbor, our kitchen, my school, those eye glasses, those outfits, those horrible hairdos, the local beauty college, the goofy townspeople - I remember that stuff!" *****10 stars for 90 minutes of quirky fun and memories (and 3 minutes of School House Rocks!)*****

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