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Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987)

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987)

Robert CarradineCurtis ArmstrongLarry B. ScottTimothy Busfield
Joe Roth


Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987) is a English,Spanish movie. Joe Roth has directed this movie. Robert Carradine,Curtis Armstrong,Larry B. Scott,Timothy Busfield are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1987. Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Get out your white socks! This time our suave college heroes hit the road for fun and fraternity in Florida. Another opportunity for brains to triumph over brawn. How can the girls possibly resist their geeky charms?

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987) Reviews

  • My brief review of the film


    A terribly silly but awfully amusing little sequel, it may be a touch predictable, and it is missing Thomas Newman's excellent theme song, but having the same likable characters on hand helps it to be equally as fun as the first film. Some of the jokes are really hilarious, and arguably I would say that it is funnier than the first film. I would not definitely call it better, but it is certainly at least on the same level, with an interesting charm radiating from the nerdy characters. And there is another song to take the place of Tom Newman's ditty: an amusing little number called "No on Fifteen". The film seems to get a lot of negative feedback, but I cannot agree - it may not be a great film, like the first, but it is by all means amusing, like the first.

  • not nearly as good as the first one,but still not bad


    I love the first revenge of the nerds. The second one is not nearly as good as the first one, but still pretty good. The nerds are still funny in this movie. Booger is once again the funniest of them all. The second one is also entertaining at times. They could've make this movie better if they would've kept the nerds at Adam's college, but the second one is still watchable, and funny. I give revenge of the nerds II: nerds in paradise **1/2 out of ****

  • Nerds gone Awful!


    Revenge of the Nerds 2: Nerds in Paradise is a horrible sequel. The only redeeming qualities is the sound track featuring Pseudo Echo's cover of "Funky Town", and .38 Special's "Take Me Back To Paradise". And though it was fun and somewhat nostalgic to see our favorite nerds again, the script was just awful, and the plot exceedingly thin. This was clearly made for the sake of making the studio money. I had thought that it was a rushed sequel, as the script was so bad. However, this film was put out three years after the original, allowing for plenty of time for a quality plot and script to be developed. Like its contemporaries such as the Police Academy series, this sequel just lets the audience down and was unfortunately continued after this horrible train wreck.

  • * * Out Of Five


    This time the nerds led by Robert Carradine and Anthonny Edwards go to Florida where there they meet a new breed of jocks who they face off against and basically destroy in the end, the problem with this entry is that the nerds this time are too cool to really be considered nerds and they even get a girlfriend sympathetic to their cause, this undermines all the humor, not to mention that away from the college dorm setting, there really isn't much the nerds can do that they didn't in the original. As a sequel this is all disappointing stuff, but aside from James Hong who gives an inspired performance as well as maybe a few vaguely amusing moments, Revenge Of The Nerds II is a big disappointment.

  • Lost the comedy


    The Tri-Lambs of Adams College goes to the United Fraternity Conference in Fort Lauderdale. Lewis Skolnick (Robert Carradine), Dudley Booger Dawson (Curtis Armstrong), Lamar Latrelle (Larry B. Scott), Arnold Poindexter (Timothy Busfield), and Harold Wormser (Andrew Cassese) find that they are picked on once again. Gilbert Lowell (Anthony Edwards) has a broken leg and has to stay home. Sunny Carstairs (Courtney Thorne-Smith) is the nice hotel clerk. Ogre (Donald Gibb) follows the guys down to Florida. The acting manager Buzz Mussinger (Ed Lauter) cancels the nerds' reservation and they are left with a rundown hotel. Roger (Bradley Whitford) is the new douche leader. There are some missing nerds. Anthony Edwards was probably busy and could only be in a cameo. It would also have been great to have the girls back. Some lost is to be expected but the movie starts off at a lower level. Bradley Whitford isn't jock enough to be their nemesis. Again I wish Ted McGinley would come back to take revenge. As for the nerds, it's strange to have them be confident. It's not as funny. The charm of the original is that they discovered their individual powers. This one has none of the charm and lost the comedy to boot.

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