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Savage Streets (1984)

Savage Streets (1984)

Linda BlairJohn VernonRobert DryerJohnny Venokur
Danny Steinmann,Tom DeSimone


Savage Streets (1984) is a English movie. Danny Steinmann,Tom DeSimone has directed this movie. Linda Blair,John Vernon,Robert Dryer,Johnny Venokur are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1984. Savage Streets (1984) is considered one of the best Action,Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

After a night out in the streets of L.A., the lively high school student, Brenda, and her all-girl team, The Satins, decide to play an innocent prank on the brutal street gang of dope-dealers, The Scars. But, before long, Brenda's beloved deaf-mute sister, Heather, catches the eye of their vicious leader, Jake, who, with the help of his companions, sexually assault the defenceless girl, leaving her for dead as payback. Now, there's no turning back, and as blood demands more blood, a deadly Brenda sets out on a violent journey of retribution to settle the score. Her friends are some lethal bear traps and a mighty crossbow. Who can stand in the way of the leather-clad female avenger?

Savage Streets (1984) Reviews

  • Superb 80s vigilante trash classic.


    A decade or so after her head-turning performance as a puking, foul-mouthed possessed girl in The Exorcist, Linda Blair's movie career wasn't exactly flourishing. Bad news for Linda, but good news for fans of trashy movies. With the now chubby actress (reportedly) hooked on drugs, and quality roles a thing of the past, Linda made the inevitable move into the world of exploitation cinema. After playing an innocent girl banged up in a lesbian hell-hole in the wonderfully sleazy WIP movie Chained Heat, Linda starred in the violent revenge drama Savage Streets, which saw her in one of her finest (ie. cheesiest) roles of the 80s, as Brenda, the street-smart leader of a gang of high-school girls, who turns vigilante after her deaf/mute sister (played by a young Linnea Quigley) is gang-raped and her best friend is murdered. With cat-fights in the school showers, tons of gratuitous nudity (even Linda gets her thruppennies out!), a protracted rape scene, bad disco dancing, nasty deaths (and even nastier 80s fashion), awful dialogue, several lame 'Porkys'-style comedy moments, and a rockin' soundtrack by John Farnham, Savage Streets is tacky sleazoid trash of the highest order. A suitably silly ending sees a big-haired, lip-glossed, leather-catsuited, crossbow-toting Brenda hunting down and killing the gang who diddled her little sister and threw her best bud off a bridge—and then being allowed to walk away scot free by a seemingly uninterested bunch of cops, who arrive on the scene just as our heroine has toasted her final scumbag. If you enjoy low-budget trash, do yourself a favour and check this one out ASAP.

  • Classic 80's sleeze-fest!


    Definitely the highlight of Linda Blair's post-Exorcist career, this sleezy tale of high school revenge is a must for bad film fans everywhere. This touching tale tells the story of Brenda (Blair), a tough high school gal who spends her nights drinking peach brandy on the streets of LA with her equally tough friends. One night, they make the mistake of messing with a gang called the Scars ("careful Brenda, these dudes look dangerous"), and before you know it, the Scars have raped and beaten Brenda's deaf, mute sister. Once Brenda learns the truth of what happened, she vows revenge on those responsible. Directed by Daniel Steinman (Friday the 13th Pt 5), this film has some of the best (and worst) dialogue ever to grace the screen. Blair is fantastic, a hilarious mix of flared nostrils and foul language. Even better is John Vernon,as the principal, in his second film with Blair (Chained Heat is another must see). Vernon steals every scene he's in, whether he's telling Brenda she has "a great body" (!) or telling the Scars to "go f**k an iceberg"! This is the ultimate 80s high school movie - terrible music, awful acting, questionable violence and gratuitous nudity. Seek it out if you haven't seen it. It's best seen in it's uncut form, as here in the UK twelve minutes were censored!

  • Revenge of the 80's: Linda Blair Superstar


    Savage Streets (1984) is one of my favorite trashy flicks. Linda Blair is out for revenge! Dressed in black and armed with a crossbow (that has one heck of a pull) walking the streets, stalking the street scum that have wronged her family and friends. See her marinate in the tub, calculating her every move. This movie's classic Linda Blair. If you love bad movies, this ones for you. It has everything a b-movie fan loves. Bad dialog, hammy acting, pedestrian direction and sleaze (the good kind, not the one that gives you bad flashbacks or nightmares). A couple of the genre's mainstays also have supporting roles, Linnea Quigley and John Vernon make co-star appearances (what no Michelle Bauer?). This movie has bad girls, bad clothes and bad attitude. I highly recommend this movie. For trash lovers only.

  • Blair's best 80's movie


    Brenda (Linda Blair), along with her high school friends, feels its a good idea to steal some hoodlum's car & total it after her deaf/mute sister walks into the middle of the road and almost gets hit by them. This doesn't sit well for the decidedly homo-erotic gang of 'bad boys' lead with sadistic panache by Jake, so they decide to rape Brenda's sister which leads to her seeking vengeance in this 80's exploitation staple. Some might say that this film is simple-minded and while there's truth to that and it's a valid point, this film is also a pretty good piece of trash that wears it's exploitation badge on it's sleeve. I admire that and it's a fun enough seedy little ride that lets me excuse Blair's terribly campy acting throughout. Director Danny Stienmann does a bang-up job and if he'll just do another film of this caliber I promise i'll forgive him for "Friday the 13th: A New Beginning" Oh yeah, and I have to give props to John Vernon, as well, as his part, though rather small, is still greatness. Eye Candy: Linda Blair, Rebecca Perle, and Suzee Slater get topless; Linnea Quigley shows boobs and a hint of muff (but it's in a very unerotic scene); various extras show tits, ass & bush in the obligatory shower scene My Grade: B+ BCI's 2-disc set DVD Extras: Disc 1) Audio commentary by director Danny Steinmann; Second commentary by actors Robert Dryer and Sal Landi & director of photography Stephen Posey; & Third commentary by producer John Strong and actors Dryer and Johnny Venocur Disc 2) Interviews with Blair, Quigley, Venocur, Dryer, & Strong; Theatrical trailer for this film; and trailer for "Final Exam"

  • 80's exploitation with great cast

    Bogey Man2002-06-03

    Savage Streets (1984) is directed by Danny Steinmann and this belongs to the better achievements of the vigilante genre. Brenda's (Linda Blair) deaf little sister Heather (Linnea Quickley) is abused by a brutal street gang and left to her agony on the school floor. Her sister is very tough and powerful (both physically and mentally) and soon she begins her own war against those b****rds that raped and killed innocent people. There are no morals in this films, but as far as one is interested in vigilante movies (which may include some morals, too) this is very pleasant classic from the 1980's as these films are not made anymore. The rape scene is pretty disturbing as the girl cannot even scream. The violence is not too heavy but heavy enough to shock the mainstream audience, and this would probably not get an R rating nowadays in its full form, but then, it didn't get it back then, either. Linnea is very beautiful and acts her silent role convincingly, and her sister's actress Linda Blair is also fantastic and should scare all the males with her crossbow and killer expression on her face.. I liked this flick, because I love these nostalgic (just listen to the marvelous soundtrack!!!) street films from the 80's. Others of its kind are for example Lustig's Vigilante, Winner's Death Wish (from the 70's but still) and Ferrara's Ms. 45. Savage Streets is not too intelligent movie but as a trash exploitation this is very important piece of genre's history, in my opinion! And of course there is a shower scene without any other purpose than to show us naked women. And also a fight scene in the shower! And also.. Well, fans of the genre know exactly what to expect from this kind of film: great dialogue and characters, nudity, gratuitous violence, rock and disco music and so on, and Savage Streets delivers it all and so is recommended for fans of this kind of low budget exploitation. 7/10

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