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Temple Grandin (2010)

Claire DanesJulia OrmondDavid StrathairnCatherine O'Hara
Mick Jackson


Temple Grandin (2010) is a English movie. Mick Jackson has directed this movie. Claire Danes,Julia Ormond,David Strathairn,Catherine O'Hara are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Temple Grandin (2010) is considered one of the best Biography,Drama movie in India and around the world.

Biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who overcame the limitations imposed on her by her condition to become a Ph.D. and expert in the field of animal husbandry. She loves animals! She developed an interest in cattle early in life while spending time at her Aunt and Uncle's ranch. She did not speak until age four and had difficulty right through high school, mostly in dealing with people. Her mother was very supportive as were some of her teachers. She is noted for creating her "hug box", widely recognized today as a way of relieving stress in autistic children, and her humane design for the treatment of cattle in processing plants, which have been the subject of several books and won an award from PETA. Today, she is a professor at Colorado State University and well-known speaker on autism and animal handling.

Temple Grandin (2010) Reviews

  • A sensitive, realistic portrayal of an amazing woman


    I could not disagree more with the first reviewer. I think this is the least clichéd portrait of an autistic individual that has yet appeared on TV or in film. Like anything, autism has positive and negative effects, as this film makes plain in its well-rounded examination of this real individual's life. Temple Grandin does not understand people, her manner may be considered strange, but her ability to conceptualize and focus enables her to be an innovator. Unlike many other films, including "Adam" (which starred Claire Danes' husband, Hugh Dancy), "Temple Grandin" does not seem to request pity or condescension from the viewer or apology from the autistic character. Despite a childhood filled with bullying and derision from others (subtly sketched in the movie), Temple is focused, confident, driven, and gutsy. Her autism requires no pity and no apology: she is "different, not less" (a line repeated in the movie). That's the reason she was able to succeed. Yes, she gave the valedictory speech at her college graduation, though she did not speak until she was four: there is nothing far-fetched about it. Lack of language does not mean mental retardation. The movie jumps around in time, but I did not find it hard to follow. The main thrust of the narrative is Ms. Grandin's interest in cattle and the story of the educational path that led to her innovations in the field of livestock management. Episodes from her earlier life are inserted in the narrative in ways that give insight into the character. Her interest in science and her ability to conceptualize were nurtured by a caring science teacher, wonderfully played in a subtle performance by the always capable David Straithairn. Julia Ormond is also strong as Temple's mother. Ultimately, the people in Temple's life accept her and celebrate her for who she is, and for her unique insight and abilities. I hope this film will help people realize that autism is not a disease and is not a tragedy.

  • Claire Danes better get a freakin' Emmy for this


    I'm a parent of a child with high-functioning autism, and while my child's condition isn't nearly as severe as Ms. Grandin's, I was touched and awed by the portrayal in the film on a deeply personal level and as a fan of film. Not once during the entire film was I able to sit back and say, unequivocally, that's Claire Danes on the screen. Not once, because that was not Claire Danes - it was Temple Grandin, or at the very least what we saw on the screen was %99.999 the character brought to life with an unbelievably immersive portrayal of Ms. Grandin by Ms. Danes. I've seen those looks, those pensive stares filled with wonder and awe and fear but on a level so completely foreign to those of us who do not have autism. There were moments in this film I was looking right into my child's eyes through that screen. Ms. Danes is an extraordinary talent, and while I've watched many of her films with interest, I will make it a point to see those I have not yet seen, and will watch with renewed interest and intensity those I have already seen. Wow...seriously, that's about all I can say about her performance - Wow.

  • Different and Great


    If this were not a TV movie I would expect it to be listed as an Oscar nominee. The movie is captivating not only for the exceptional acting but providing us with a glimpse into the world of autism. Everything about this movie points to excellence: the writing, the direction, the cinematography and the acting of a superb cast featuring Claire Danes in what must be the role of a lifetime. The movie is moving in its emotional impact without becoming maudlin. The pace of the movie is quick and takes us through a number of years in the fascinating life of Temple Grandin without losing us or boring us. Temple Grandin describes herself in the movie as "different not less." I would describe the movie as "different and great." The cast and the crew may well be in line for Emmys and Golden Globes. If so, let no one say it was because of sympathy for the subject matter. It deserves any awards it wins for the excellence of the production values. This is TV at its best!

  • Fantastic movie with an inspiring story


    This was a great biopic. The lovely and multi-talented Claire Danes did fantastic work playing an autistic person. I have not seen or met Dr. Temple Grandin in real life, though I have known autistic people in my life and there was never a moment in "Temple Grandin," that wasn't believable. Addressing the whole "reinforcing the stereotype," situation that constantly come about after films like, "Rain Man," I do not believe the films reinforce stereotypes. It is the mistake of the viewer to make general assumptions based on a single incident. Temple Grandin shows more about someone with a psychological condition than just having the ability to persistently have a big heart as in "Radio," or "I Am Sam," (important to say that those characters were not autistic)even though they served their own purposes. Autism is a different way of experiencing the world, but the individuals who are autistic are individuals as any one else. It would be ignorant to say that they are all savants or have special abilities, but if they are immersed in an environment that suits an autistic person's needs and way of thinking, then they can grow, thrive or fail as any other individual in society. As far as the movie illustrates to us, in Temple Grandin's life, she needed to be taught self-reliance, self-awareness, and have her potential recognized and cultivated as well as patient, loving, and understanding emotional support. Temple Grandin's story explains this all quite well I think. Of course there is an entire spectrum of intelligence levels among autistic people, as there is with people without predisposed psychological conditions, it would be ignorant and cynical to assume otherwise. Temple Grandin is a genius, who happens to be autistic. Fantastic movie.

  • Wonderful movie


    First, I also disagree completely with the first reviewer. It makes me wonder if this person actually knows someone who is autistic. And this is the only downfall of the movie if there is one at all. I feared that someone watching this movie with little to no autism experience would take the presentation of this great story the wrong way. Thinking it may be silly or shallow, when in fact it is not. Anyone who has not had first hand experience may need some instructional guide along the way. I would recommend reading her book and the purpose of the way this movie was correctly portrayed will be clear. My son is 8 years old with Autism and so much of this movie hit home with me and also gave me hope. It is an inspiring movie and story, and a true one at that. Time constraints understandably didn't allow for the whole story to be told, but this was a great attempt and success in doing so. It is so hard to explain to other people about the intricate details of autism with out lecturing someone on it for hours. This movie helps bridge that gap for the unaware and touches the heart of hope to the ones who are aware. Thank you for making this movie. I read this book a couple years ago and was delighted when I heard they had been making the movie, but also worried they would get it wrong. Well they didn't, wonderful movie!

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