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The Intent 2: The Come Up (2018)

Adam DeaconKaren BrysonMichelle GreenidgeSelva Rasalingam
Femi Oyeniran,Nicky Slimting Walker


The Intent 2: The Come Up (2018) is a English movie. Femi Oyeniran,Nicky Slimting Walker has directed this movie. Adam Deacon,Karen Bryson,Michelle Greenidge,Selva Rasalingam are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. The Intent 2: The Come Up (2018) is considered one of the best Crime movie in India and around the world.

Prequel the the successful 2016 film 'The Intent'

Same Director

The Intent 2: The Come Up (2018) Reviews

  • 103 Miniuts of my Life wasted


    103 minutes of my life I will never get back watching this crap movie, £25 spent on Pop corn, drinks, petrol I will never get back, poor story line, rubbish acting

  • I really wanted to like it...


    I really wanted to support the cause and I did make it through to the end credits. BUT it really was bad. It reminded me of one of those really bad soap dramas on terrestrial TV when you're abroad. In fact that's pushing it, at least those soaps have a plot you can understand even if you can't understand what they're saying! It felt like different parts of the film were made by different people with different skill levels, different budgets, different visions and different scripts. Like they all went off and made their bit independently, then someone else tried their best to stick all the pieces together and make sense of it all. Some good scenes, music and even 'some' good acting. But so far and few between. So much of it was that bad it was almost painful to watch. A real shame especially after the first one. Two stars because I feel bad it was that bad.

  • Don't bother watching this shambles


    One of the worst films I've ever seen. I had high expectations after watching the first one and I was extremely disappointed the acting was shocking (you couldn't even understand what the jamaican characters were saying) the camera angle was odd it looked like something from YouTube, some of the scenes were too prolonged that it took out the authtenticiy of crime in london and last the story was tedious it was hard to interpret what was going on. It looked like they focused more on spending their money extravagantly on wild locations or making parties look lavish than actually working on the movies story. Some scenes were ruthless like the ones in the first film that made it look gritty. Not good enough to make it a watchable film though don't waste your money like i did

  • watch 50% of the worst film I've seen in years.


    Ended up at the cinema watching this due to a 'administrative error'. watched it for an hour and even that was way too long. Worst film I seen in years - really do not watch this - its minutes of your life you'll never get back

  • Incomprehensible


    This is a film about a turf war in East London between the black gang run by Bev from her hairdressers salon, and the Turks, who are looking to take over. One of Bev's gang is working for the Turks without her knowledge. He is sent, with others, to Jamaica to carry out a hit on someone. When they return to the UK, things come to a head. I'm not a young urban black man, I'm on old rural white bloke. Despite the script being in English, I could only understand one work in three, the urban patois being so unfamiliar and the accents so impenetrable. When they got to Jamaica, that went up to one in five, or worse. The film needed subtitles. I hope it's not racist to say that I simply didn't understand the dialogue enough to follow what was happening - there was a period when some of them were in prison, then they weren't, for instance, and I didn't know why. I hadn't heard of this film or its predecessor (which I hadn't seen). I think it might be quite good, but I'm really not sure.

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