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The Women Who Kill Lions (2016)

Rebecca FrontRebecca FrancisJacine Jadresko
Neil Rawles


The Women Who Kill Lions (2016) is a English movie. Neil Rawles has directed this movie. Rebecca Front,Rebecca Francis,Jacine Jadresko are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. The Women Who Kill Lions (2016) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Female big game hunters Rebecca Francis and Jacine Jadresko talk candidly about why they participate in this blood sport and the extreme levels of abuse they have received including from celebrities.

The Women Who Kill Lions (2016) Reviews

  • What the what??


    I can't imagine spending 47 minutes or even a minute watching a cold blooded maniac male or female killing wildlife for sport. Shame on Netflix for distributing this. These are the facts: (1) Trophy hunting can hurt the overall population of a species; (2) The suggestion that trophy hunting plays a significant role in African economic development is misguide - revenues constitute only a fraction of a percent of GDP and almost none of that ever reaches rural communities; (3) True conservation activities should involve the local community in a way that is sustainable, and trophy hunting does not accomplish this idea; (4) Opening up even a limited legal trade creates a smokescreen for poachers which is almost impossible to police; (5) Sport hunters' fees put economic pressure on managers to inflate hunting quotas beyond sustainable levelsÂ…Despite what science and common sense said, the quotas were increased and wild populations declined.

  • Thoughtful documentary


    Well-made, filmed and edited, and as another commenter said, tasteful. Those who say they had to stop watching after five minutes have no idea what it is about. Five minutes in, we are just being shown taxidermied animals. The film follows two women, one perhaps more relatable than the other, among a growing demographic of hunting women and girls, and the barrage of hate they face online, as people are more easily provoked by a beautiful woman killing animals than the stereotypical gruff male hunter. The only cruel and heartless people I see in this film are the ones who harass, hate and even threaten bodily harm and death on these women and their families - even their children. Whether you have strong feelings on hunting either way, or don't care, I say give this film a go. It might surprise you.

  • This is ATROCIOUS


    I don't care who hunts but Jacine Jadresko is a sociopath who wants trophies no matter what and I noticed that this film seems to be about "female" hunters? I didn't know big game trophy hunting was blocking women's Rights? When you see a bunch of men helping track down and slay the animals?

  • Well Done


    As a female who hunts and wishes to hunt more and more I found this documentary to be tastefully done. They covered questions that anyone who does not understand hunting would ask. I also enjoyed, while it still broke my heart, how it was shown that hunters receive hateful comments from people who do not understand hunting. These women are mothers, daughters, and your every-day kind of folk, they are not immune to hate. There seemed to be no bias coming from those narrating and filming and it made the point very clear to all who watched: hunting is not a cruel "sport" for those with blood lust, but instead something done by those who love nature and find a way to connect through their journeys. Very well done, I think anyone with doubts about hunting should watch with an open mind. Hunting is more than an animal's head on your wall or pictures online, it is a way to preserve nature, control populations, create jobs, and feed family.

  • More hate?


    My best guess.. The people who were in charge of this movie have no clue about hunting. What was the purpose, what did they wish to achieve with this documentary? More hate? The documentary ends without any conclusion at all, just right in the middle of the story. I'd wish they'd shown more of the time, work and effort that goes into a kill shot.. I guess it doesn't make the best tv, but then at least people with no hunting experience of their own could be shown that there's a greater picture involved other than pulling a trigger and taking a selfie after. (I'd rather recommend Meateater as a Netflix show) A kid who's allowed to shoot pidgeons from the terrace as a sort of training for his first upcoming bear hunt, doesn't give the best impression for an outsider. I support legal, sustainable hunting as do the WWF. And these women hunt legally. However I, personally can not relate to the sort of hunting that is portrayed in this documentary. There are too many gaps in content. Mainly it's people talking about what their next trophy will be and how they will not accept to be judged by the haters. Fair enough

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