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Vir Altyd (2016)

Vir Altyd (2016)

Ivan BothaDonnaLee RobertsElize CawoodWilson Dunster
Jaco Smit


Vir Altyd (2016) is a Afrikaans,English movie. Jaco Smit has directed this movie. Ivan Botha,DonnaLee Roberts,Elize Cawood,Wilson Dunster are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Vir Altyd (2016) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Childhood friends, Nina and Hugo chose different paths in life. Years later Hugo returns to his hometown, unbeknownst to him, the day before Nina's wedding. Events on the wedding day throw them back together and they embark on a new adventure.

Vir Altyd (2016) Reviews

  • Wonderful journey of discovery.


    'Vir Altyd' is as funny as it is dramatic, and the genres blend together perfectly. There's a wonderful chemistry between the two leads (Ivan Botha & DonnaLee Roberts). I knew from the start it was a romance waiting to happen, but the journey getting there was exciting, interesting and heartfelt. I expected cliched schmultz, but this was refreshingly different. A film of this genre can so easily be predictable, but the film follows a unique path of discovery that make it stand out from the crowd. It takes us on a beautiful journey of love between young AND old couples, excellently portrayed by a stellar cast. Elize Cawood is fabulous as always. I just love her in a film. Thanks to a great choice of music, the film had a very non-South African feel to it. And it was also wonderful to see a South African film untouched by politics. The cinematography and photography are awesome. The subtle back flashes add significantly to the mood and feel of the film, and of reminisce. There's so much to learn from the film with its deeper underlying theme. It tells a much greater story than meets the eye, and teaches us to enjoy the trivial things in life, too, and appreciate and value every moment. 'Vir Altyd' is fantastic in every sense of the word, and on every level. This was a special treat. It is easy to see why this is the most successful Afrikaans film ever made.

  • Childhood memories


    Vir Altyd is a very complete and subtle film: a story with dramatic moments and also happy moments.A film about love,marriage, understanding and confidence between men and women and about the influence of the parents on their children. The photography is really excellent.And the actors and actresses are also excellent.

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