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Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings (2011)

Jenny PudavickTenika DavisKaitlyn LeebTerra Vnesa
Declan O'Brien


Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings (2011) is a English movie. Declan O'Brien has directed this movie. Jenny Pudavick,Tenika Davis,Kaitlyn Leeb,Terra Vnesa are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings (2011) is considered one of the best Adventure,Horror movie in India and around the world.

Follows a group of friends that decide to go snowmobiling during their winter break. They make a "wrong turn", getting lost in a storm, and seek shelter in an abandoned sanatorium. They are completely isolated by the storm and are thankful they can get out of the elements. But the sanatorium has a troubled past, and some of its former patients still reside there and are not happy about the intrusion. In a deadly game of cat and mouse, the college kids must fight to survive the night.

Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings (2011) Reviews

  • How Can Someone Put Money to Make This Garbage?


    In 1974, in the Glenville Sanatorium in West Virginia, three dangerous lunatics escape from their cell, release the other inmates and kill the doctors and staff. In 2003, a group of college friends from the Weston University rides their snowmobiles to the cabin of a friend. However, they get lost in a storm and reach the abandoned asylum seeking for shelter to spend the night. However, the three cannibal maniacs are still living in the place and they are hungry for human flesh. How can a producer put money to make garbage like "Wrong Turn"? This question was drumming in my head while I was watching the stupidities of the bunch of friends along 94 minutes running time. For example, the lesbian Afro-American girl returns to look for her bar that she lost in the snow while the three weirdos are driving their snowmobiles to hunt them down. Or voting to decide whether they should save Daniel that is being eaten alive by the crazies or not. The abandoned sanatorium is absolutely clean and everything is operative in the building. The survivors never grieve the loss of their friends that are slaughtered by the maniacs. But maybe the worst situation is when they overpower the sadistic loonies and a girl convinces the others to not kill the monsters that have eaten their friends "like a fondue". Last but not the least, the acting and the lines are very poor. My vote is one (awful). Title (Brazil): "Pânico na Floresta 4 – Origens Sangrentas" ("Panic in Forest 4 – Bloody Origin")

  • It stinks and is truly stupid.


    Somehow I missed Wrong Turn 3. I really liked WT1 it was good and sort of like a Hills Have Eyes meets Deliverance vibe. WT2 was pretty good with Henry Rollins running the "Survivor" reality show in the backwoods. Then I saw this movie... The movie starts out great with the deformed inmates overrunning the asylum. I love insane asylum movies, throw in a freakshow and I am there dude. The "college" students look to be thirtysomething. The college victims are six hot pornesque chicks and three or four dopey guys. I must agree with the other comments. It is 2011, everyone has GPS on their phones. These guys aren't going to even have a google maps printout to the cabin? The height of stupidity occurs when the college kids manage to capture the whacky hillbillies and have them locked in a jail cell. The last remaining guy throws kerosene everywhere and is set to burn the cannibal freaks but the lead chick puts a stop to it saying that it is immoral and that they shouldn't sink to the hillbillies' level. Mind you, this is after she has witnessed the freaks pull the head off of her friend, after they rolled out her boyfriend's head like a bowling ball across the assembly hall and after she's witnessed the freaks slicing off pieces of flesh from her other friend, while he was alive, and flash frying it with potatoes and onions and eating it in front of him while the other are filleting him alive. Of course, they escape the cell and mutilate everyone. Honestly after that stupid lead chick decided not to kill the crazies, I wanted all of the college kids to get eaten. Good setting, bad movie, bad acting all the way around. Don't bother watching this one. If you liked the first two, this will be a big disappointment.

  • I don't get it...........


    To say that this is a slap in the face to all horror movie lovers is an understatement. How embarrassing for this director and for all of these actors..times are hard but come on-have some dignity! I knew what to expect watching another Wrong Turn movie. I wasn't expecting it to be on the same wavelength as Texas Chainsaw or anything but I expected a little bit of entertainment. Unfortunately, all I got was some hot sex scenes and cheesy blood and gore with masks that my 4 year old could make in daycare. How disappointing for Wrong Turn. In my eyes, nothing will be better than the first one and it should have stopped at the first one. There wasn't any character development at all (I know you don't expect that much in scary movies but there was nothing), their actions were the antithesis of what any person with common sense would have done, there wasn't enough back story to really fill us in on how this started, it was just a hot mess! Do not waste your time watching this!!

  • This has to be a Joke


    Once I heard there was a 4th Wrong Turn I had to check it out. Of course that was an enormous mistake. Even the trailer makes this look like crap. Its a basic plot: A group of friends go snowmobiling during their winter break. They get lost in a blizzard and seek shelter in an abandoned insane asylum. Which of course is inhabited by the three original cannibal mutants. The acting is beyond terrible. The actors don't deliver any decent performances. Even the film making looks cheesy and homemade. The gore/action looks extremely fake. Did they really need to give a failed attempt at how the cannibal hillbillies came to be? I doubt it. There is not one good moment in this movie. They should have stopped with the 3rd one at least.

  • Oh yes, please do a modern horror movie set inside an abandoned asylum! We haven't seen enough of those already...


    This movie somewhat makes me angry for several reasons. First off, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Wrong Turn-series and second of all, it's being totally unoriginal! I wouldn't at all be surprised if this movie its script got pulled off from the shelve somewhere and got relabeled as "Wrong Turn 4" to cash in on it, even while it originally was written as a totally unrelated movie, to the the Wrong Turn-series. This movie really has absolutely nothing to do with any of the 3 previous movies, though it supposedly is still featuring the same cannibal family, consisting out of inbreds, who all look like Jake Busey by the way. But the settings are all wrong. Really, a Wrong Turn movie should always be set inside of the forest I feel. But no, they thought an old abandoned asylum would be a far better setting for the movie this time. But why really? There are so many modern movies, that are just like this one, out there already, that use similar type of settings and also a similar concept. Thing they also all seem to have in common is that none of them are all that great. No, this movie isn't ever really trying to be something new or original. It makes this a very redundant genre movie, that not even the lovers of it will be very pleased with. Sure, there is gore but nothing all that spectacular or surprising really. As is this whole movie; nothing spectacular or surprising. It's a very typical and therefore also very predictable genre movie, that does absolutely nothing to attempt to become an above average one. It's just one of those movies in which a bunch of annoying, partying teenagers gets stuck at a place and are all getting killed one by one. It never has any tension or suspense to it because the movie obviously has no idea how to handle this. The most positive thing I can say about this movie is that it's not the worst modern genre example I have seen but still, you are far better off skipping it. 4/10

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