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Yucatán (2018)

Yucatán (2018)

Luis TosarRodrigo De la SernaJoan PeraStephanie Cayo
Daniel Monzón


Yucatán (2018) is a Spanish,Polish movie. Daniel Monzón has directed this movie. Luis Tosar,Rodrigo De la Serna,Joan Pera,Stephanie Cayo are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Yucatán (2018) is considered one of the best Adventure,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

2008. Lucas is a rogue man specialized to steal to the passengers who travel in luxury boats. Breaking the pact with his former partner in crime Clayderman of not being together in the same ship nor in the same ocean, Lucas goes on board of the boat Sovereign where Clayderman works as pianist and public relations with Verónica, singer of the Sovereign, Clayderman's girlfriend and Lucas' former love interest. Wanting to close again Verónica, Lucas contacts her trying to recover her, but the real target of Lucas is old Antonio, a baker who win 160 millions in the lotto, which is constantly tempted by his two greedy son-in-laws Ernesto and Fede to obtain the money, to desperation of their respective wives Chusa and Alicia. Meanwhile Antonio starts to date with an elegant mature woman named Carmen, Clayderman discovers that Lucas is aboard the Sovereign and decides spy his steps, in the belief that Lucas not only is interested by Verónica, but a secret plan to get a large amount of money....

Yucatán (2018) Reviews

  • Good for my Spanish.


    There are good and bad things about Yucatán but overall it's an okay movie to watch once. The bad things to me would be the length of the movie, it's just a bit too long, the singing scenes, there are too many and too long, and the plausibility of the story, as that would never happen in real life. The good things are the actors, they're all good in what they do, and the story is entertaining and easy to follow, and it's also good for my Spanish. But it's not a movie that I will remember or that I will watch a second time in the future, but that doesn't mean it's bad, that just means there are a lot of better movies, that's all.

  • A very smart scam movie; tender but full of humor


    Aboard a cruise; a group of scammers are trying to make their living on the unsuspecting travelers. The movie is basically the competition between then to catch a big fish; a lottery winner with 161M travelling with his family. The movie combines a very healthy and classy humor (only one scene indulges with bathroom humor); a lot of smart ideas and unexpected twist. A great homage 1960s picaresque comedies. Production values are very high for a Spanish production. Perfectly staged action scenes and musical numbers. Aside from the language; it technically as good as any Hollywood production but with a far better and smart script and without Hollywood cliches. Both male protagonists are criminals; and the movie does not try to moralize them In fact the just perfect final joke at end; defines the moral ground of the story. None of the above is surprising considering Daniel Monzon curriculum. A director capable of doing excellent thrillers and also comedies. The only small criticism to YUCATAN; is that some trimming could had benefit it. Cutting some overacting from Rodrigo de la Serna and perhaps shorter some unnecessary musical numbers or dramatic situations. In brief; as comedies went in 2018; this is by far the best and classiest

  • Very Good Movie


    It was very good movie. There was smart choises and little bit love.

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