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Billy Boy (2017)

Billy Boy (2017)

Melissa BenoistGreg GermannBrenda BakkeJim Beaver
Bradley Buecker


Billy Boy (2017) is a English movie. Bradley Buecker has directed this movie. Melissa Benoist,Greg Germann,Brenda Bakke,Jim Beaver are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Billy Boy (2017) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Billy Forsetti has grown up poor, desperate and angry. His best friend, Mikey, has taught him how to steal and fight his way through life. Add a couple of friends, and introduce the world of carjacking-amateurs seeking thrills and cash-it all leads to an intoxicating time. But when Mikey and Billy's values collide over where to draw the line, Mikey explodes and Billy finds himself estranged and wanting to move on. Billy takes up with a beautiful girl and finds a more promising life. But when a carjacking goes wrong, his past becomes a shadow that darkens and threatens his future. Mistrust, jealousy and fear will chase Billy down a rabbit hole that might leave him no way out.

Billy Boy (2017) Reviews

  • Had potential , could have been better


    I don't think this movie deserves all the very negative reviews it is receiving. The acting by Blake Jenner is pretty outstanding and Grant Harvey is also excellent. In this film about completely lost lower class hoodlums most of the roles are actually very well cast. There are some very well done, gritty, realistic and painful scenes. The problem is the screenplay by Mr Jenner really needed work and like so many mediocre movies nowadays, there needed to be more dialogue and less filler scenes, people dancing, walking and lying around. The settings were perfect, but the cutting back and forth from past to present and the scenes shown literally in reverse just came across as gimmicky. Taken as a whole, the movie though is tragically realistic on most points and what saved it for me were the very fine performances from most of the cast.

  • Don't watch unless you consider yourself Low Brow


    This movie is so bad forced me to write a review i'm not going to add spoilers as its not even worth leaking any out .The movie to me has a basketball dairy,kids,Bomb the system kind of vibe to it .All those movies were way better than this film ,this has a film student quality to it which is to say it doesn't have any quality at all.For such wooden predictable cliche writing the actors seem to over act .This is a film for pretentious tool bag hipsters/unwiped artsy fartsy asses as well as navel gazers .Very predictable story you know how its going to end even before the end .Not worth seeing at all then to top it off you have the explicit sex scene thrown in out of no where which just as out of place as the actors.Any time i see some graphic sex in a movie its a huge red flag that the movie is horrible and the sex is thrown into shock and get people talking about about a film that should of never seen the light of day what the girl from super girl was thinking by being in this is beyond me .Imdb really needs to install a negative rating system because giving this a 1 in the positive is too much i would rate this a - Negative 5 if i could .Nothing to see here folks unless you like seeing nude melissa bolona at the expense of being bored to tears by this mental masturbation fodder don't bother

  • Unless you're a braindead teen like the idiot in this movie,you'll hate it,it's awful...


    Zero stars. Pretentious,butt hurt,idiots trying playing real life. Skip this turd for sure or check it out for yourself and then complain about your wasted time.

  • A Very Well Done Indie Film


    I had been very interested in this film since it's announcement on Kickstart. A huge fan of Ms. Benoist, I wanted to see her in a story out of her normal realm of features. I wasn't dissapointed. This film is gritty and I found it easy to connect with the characters and their situations both good and bad. The ending was done quite well and unlike most Indie's doesn't leave you guessing as to the cause and effect of the character's actions.I found myself hoping for Billy to climb out of the situation(s) he found himself in. I watched it in a theater and later shared with friends from home. One film I will long remember. Good Job!!!!!

  • Billy Boy is the film that you are missing out on if you haven't seen it yet


    This movie is extremely powerful. The story telling is bold and very real, leaving nothing behind. All of the performances by all of the actors were very strong and because of this, as soon as the movie started, I felt instantly connected to them and going on this gritty story telling adventure with all of them. The film was beautifully shot, and the world which was created for the characters truly depicted what I had envisioned when watching the film. I highly recommend this film on all levels.

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